chapter eleven

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An electromagnetic field. A gate. That was the cause of Dustin's compass leading them astray and the answer to find Vecna. 

You hurried through the dense thickets, trying not to stumble in the night. You tried to keep a close distance to Eddie in front of you. 

"Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?"

"I think we're getting close." Dustin said right before almost tripping over the watershore that suddenly appeared out of the darkness. Eddie grabbed his hoodie, just stopping him from taking an accidental swim. 

"Watch your step, big guy." Eddie said. The sudden halt almost made you bump into him which made you instinctively put a hand on his back to prevent it. "You okay?" He turned around to check on you and you nodded.

"Oh man. You gotta be shitting me." Steve muttered. 

"There's a gate in Lover's Lake?" Max asked. 

Nancy looked out over the lake. "Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening."

"Maybe Vecna's the same way?" You questioned.

Steve shook his head. "Only one way to find out." 

The boat was at the same spot Eddie had left it. He and Steve carried it over to the water. 

"Easy, man. Hey, I said easy!"

"Sorry, dude." 

Dustin was declined when he tried to get aboard. Now you, Steve, Eddie, Nancy and Robin were off. 
The atmosphere was eerie and the air chilly. Steve's flickering flashlight and the pale moonlight were the only thing keeping you from total blindness. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, guys." You all leaned over the compass that Nancy was holding. It was going batshit crazy. Steve took off his socks and shirt. You and Robin exchanged glances when both noticed Nancy's look. 

Steve jumped in, leaving you to wait in silence. It felt like you waited an eternity for him to return, but he finally did. 

"I found it." He was in the middle of describing the gate's appearance when something pulled him underwater. 

"Steve!" You and Nancy exclaimed.

"What the hell was that, man?!" Eddie yelled.

Nancy jumped in. Robin sat down on the edge of the boat to do the same thing. 

"No, no, no, no." Eddie mumbled as you also prepared to dive in when Robin disappeared under the surface. "What are you doing? Don't go in there." He tried to sound stern. 

"I-I have to." You stated and he firmly grabbed your hand. 

"Come on, (Y/N)" you could hear the rising panic in his voice even though he tried to hide it. His eyes were glistening in the moonlight. "Please... please don't."

"I have to." You repeated. You let go of his hand as you swayed over the boat's edge. The water hit like a cold flash, consuming you whole the further down you went. It was nearly impossible to know which direction was up and which one was down, but you could see a faint red glow in the distance which you followed. The gate.

Something suddenly brushed your side causing you to almost choke on the water. Eddie! 
The light of the portal reflected onto his face. He gave you a half-smile. "Let's go" he mouthed. You entangled your fingers with his again. 

ahhh its hard to fit more alone time and intimate detail
you and him!!

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