chapter eight

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hello people, just wanted to thank you for reading this,
i wasn't expecting anyone to find it!! once again just wanted 
to say sorry for my English vocabulary and grammar mistakes

It was early dawn when you awoke from your sleep - if you could even call it that. You'd been going in and out of consciousness in a cold sweat all night, trying not to think about what had happened yesterday. Chrissy and the boy haunted you not only when you were awake but also in your dreams. You pulled the blanket and tarp off of you and sat up, glanced out the opening where Eddie seemed to be fast asleep in his boat. 

Head was still spinning, overflowing with thoughts. You shivered. The dock house wasn't exactly made for sleepovers. The thin walls did a bad job at keeping the chilly morning air outside. You wrapped the blanket around you as you beckoned your stiff joints to get out the boat. You walked over to a window to see the lake's surface mirroring the rosy clouds in the sky. 

You just wanted to go home. 

The tarps in Eddie's boat rustled as his head popped up. He yawned.

"Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?" 

"Not really. Haven't, uh, really gotten any sleep anyway." He straightened his back to sit up in the boat. 

"Yeah, kind of impossible right now." You admitted and pressed your lips together, trying to find something else to talk about.

Eddie saved you both from awkward silence, "The surroundings here are really, uh, pretty, huh?" 

"Yeah, just look at that sunrise," you agreed, "Do you hang out here often?"

"In the boat shed?" Eddie joked before answering, "No, not that often. But it's nice to have a place to uh, crash at if you need to." 

"Reefer Rick, huh?" You said with a slight ironic ring. 

Eddie chuckled and shrugged. "Reefer Rick."

You couldn't help but think about Chrissy again. The remorse was eating you alive. Even though all you wanted was to drive home, the thought of being alone was daunting. 

"So, uh, you're probably gonna have to do that English assignment on your own, huh?" 

The completely absurd comment made you giggle. His eyes seemed to light up a bit when he made you laugh. But before you could reply, you both heard a noise outside. He quickly grabbed the broken bottle from yesterday as he stood up and hurried over to peep through a window on the other side of the room.

His paranoia was still on wild display just like yesterday. "Shit." He muttered and you both exhaled in sync.



The door opened with a bang and Eddie quickly pointed his weapon toward Steve, Robin, Max and Dustin. They waved at him. 

"Jesus Christ." Eddie exhaled again. 

"Delivery Service," Dustin said before you caught his attention, "(Y/N)?!" 


The group sat down around Eddie's boat to let him eat. You explained what you were doing there and what had happened last night, and they came with the not so surprising news that Eddie was the top suspect for Chrissy's murder. 

Robin assured Eddie that they all had been through these sort of paranormal stuff before, and when Steve mentioned that they used to get help from a girl with superpowers, you didn't even question it. 

"There's... nothing to worry about." Dustin did not sound too convincing. You all flinched as the sound of sirens drew your attention to the windows. Eddie covered himself with the tarp and hid in his boat again. Outside, ambulances and police vehicles rushed by.
You realized that this meant that the man's body hadn't been reported until now. Eddie was left alone at the hideout place while you and the others drove to the crime scene and the trailer park. 

The gang told their theory about the Upside Down to Nancy Wheeler who to your surprise also turned out to be aware of the phenomenon and already involved with it. They discussed the potential reasons for the murders at the trailer park. 

Both Chrissy and Fred, as his name was, had been on edge the days before their deaths. 

"I don't know about you, but if I saw some crazy wizard monster, I would mention it to someone." Steve said.

"Maybe they did," Max suggested. "I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelley's office."

"Yeah, she has never been to a counselor before." You agreed. "Something was off that entire week. That's why she went to see Eddie." 

"Exactly. And if you saw a monster, you... you wouldn't go to the police. No one would believe you." Max continued. "But, you might go to your-"

"Shrink." Robin ended her sentence. 

You split up to look for clues. Robin and Nancy to the library. You, Dustin and Steve to the counselor's house to drop Max off. Dustin started to confront and tease Steve about the way he had acted around Nancy.
You knew about their dating history and sat quiet to listen until Max came back. She had 'borrowed' Ms. Kelley's keys. You used them to get into her office at school and read through the counselor's files and notes of the other students, only to realize what grave danger Max was in. Lucas gave you all a jump scare when he dashed through the school corridors to tell you about the jocks' witch-hunt after Eddie. But right now, the priority was to save Max from her death-doom. 

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