chapter fifteen

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excuse me for a shitty chapter it's 11:46PM and I'm working 7AM tomorrow lmao

Angry hicks. The store was full of angry hicks, hillbillies and guns. All types of weapons and equipment. And people from Hawkins. And dead animal heads on the walls. Nice.

"So much for avoiding angry hicks." Robin sighed.

"Let's be... fast." You suggested.



You parted from the group to make your way around the store. Robin followed and the two of you grabbed a cart to put all the goods in. You stopped by a shelf of gasoline.

"How many of these do you think we need?" She asked as she lifted up a can.

Steve appeared from another aisle. "Five or six." He had put on a new shirt and jacket and was finally not half-naked anymore.. 

"Honestly we might need more." You mumbled before both you and Steve noticed that Robin had stopped in her tracks. You looked where she was looking. Vickie. You and Steve smiled at each other.

"What are you gonna do? Stand and gawk?" Steve asked.

"Shut up." She quickly responded.

You smiled even bigger and left the two of them to search for more tools that could be useful. A gun, some sort of gun. That shotgun looked big. Big means good - right? An employee let you pick it up and you cocked it. Cool sound. That's good, right?

"Hey, can I see this real pretty .357, please?" A familiar voice next to you asked.


Your heart started pounding. Had he seen you? Yeah. Too late.

"(Y/N)? Didn't think I'd see you here." He was holding a gun in his hand, unloaded of course. He waved it in your direction as he spoke. 

"Jason. Hi. Yeah, it's pretty scary times, right?..." You said, still holding the shotgun close to your body. "I, uhm, I haven't seen you since... Patrick.. I--.."

"Want my advice? Shotguns are not good for much of anything past killing small birds." Jason stepped closer to you, until he was just some meter away. You stood your ground. "I mean, they got power, sure. But not much range." He was threateningly close to you now. "And that's just gonna force you into close-range combat.. then someone can just grab that barrel like this.." Jason snatched the barrel and you almost dropped the shotgun out of surprise.

You swallowed and looked back at him. He was still holding the barrel with a hand and looked down at you.

"You look nervous." He stated.

"Like I said.. scary times." You stared back at him. 

He nodded slowly. The dark rings under his eyes revealed his current state of mind. "Now, uh, that little freak, or any of that freak's friends.. Lucas.. you seen them around?"

"N-Not since that night by the lake.. I've been staying at home.. It's been a lot. I mean-- I can't imagine what you're going through-- I'm sorry I just left-"

"I understand. What we saw is nothing you just move on from. I only ask because I want to protect you and everyone else. Have you seen them?"

"No, I haven't."

"You haven't seen them?" He was inches away from you.

"Would you let go?" You whispered with a sharp tone. When he didn't answer, you repeated, "Let go." 

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