chapter seventeen

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Your heart was racing in your chest. You pressed your back against Eddie's with Dustin on the side. The bats were slamming against the trailer's walls and you were just waiting for them to give away and let the bats inside. Your body was completely tense and barely let you breathe. 

"Hey dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?!" Dustin shouted when the banging suddenly stopped. 

"Shh!" Eddie hissed back. "Is that really necessary?"

"They're on the roof." You stated as you heard the creatures above you and slowly followed their quiet snarls and creaks over the living-room to a vent in the ceiling. Shit.

"They can't get in through there, can they?" Dustin asked. 

They could. A shrieking twisted bat face popped out the hole. The three of you instantly started stabbing with your spears. 

"Eddie!" Dustin yowled when he suddenly drew away from the fight. "We need you here!"

"Get out the way!" He pushed you two away to block the vent with one of your shields as a lid. 

"Nice." Dustin commented. 

"Thanks." They high-fived each other.

"Are there any other vents?" You asked.

"Oh shit." Eddie rushed over to his room but it was already too late. Bats were swarming in from the second vent in the trailer. He shut the door, but that was not going to hold for long.

"That's not gonna hold!" Dustin stated the obvious and retreated to the gate. He climbed back up. Holy shit. Hopefully this had kept the bats away from Steve, Robin and Nancy long enough for them to find Vecna. What was Vecna doing? Was he still with Max and Lucas, and El? Was Max okay? You really wanted to hope so, but the feeling in your stomach made it hard to believe she was alright. Eddie picked you up and gave you a push to climb.

The gravity pulled you upwards but when you heaved yourself over the edge, you entered that complete black void again. You gasped when you spotted Max, Lucas and... Jason.. in the desolation. Jason was pointing a gun at Lucas. The same gun he had pointed at you in that store. Max's eyes were rolled back. Oh no. Oh god no. You screamed for them but they couldn't hear you. It all happened in a second, and then you woke up on the mattress beside Dustin.

"(Y/N)! You okay?" He asked before looking up at Eddie again.

You moved to give room for Eddie. "It's fine, I'm fine."

"(Y/N), did that uh, thing, happen again?" He asked you and hesitated to climb up. 

"Y-Yeah, hurry." You panted, still in some sort of shock. "It's... it's really bad. El wasn't there this time, Vecna was. He-"

"(Y/N), I have a bunch of cd's and mixtapes in my room." He let go of the rope made of bed sheets. "Find one with the song on." 

"Eddie." Dustin stared up at him as Eddie picked up a spear from the ground. 


He ignored the two of you and cut off the rope. He cut the rope off. The rope to the real world. "Turn the goddamn song on, I'll distract them; hive mind." 

"Eddie!" You and Dustin shrieked as he went on to move the mattress out of the way so you wouldn't come after him. "Eddie, stop. Eddie, stop! Stop! Stop! What are you doing?!"

"I'm buying more time." He disappeared out of your vision.

You stared at Dustin's wild eyes. "Your song, we need the song." Dustin panted. "You're in danger; the fact that El wasn't with you-"

"Dustin, please go to Max and Lucas, they need your help." You said with a stern voice before you grasped the closest chair to put it under the gate. "Please, I saw Jason with them. He has a gun. Max needs music - not me."

Dustin swallowed.

"Please." You hopped up on the chair and stretched up for the gravity pull. You opened your eyes. You were in Hawkins' Middle School, at what seemed to be the yearly Snowball Festival. Cold naked light shined upon the walls and exposed a tall creature floating in the air in front of you. You felt your heart stop, you were sure of it. What was that? What was that creature? It was hard to see in the vague light but, he looked as though he was lacking skin, with a deformed hand and-.... what the fuck was that? You realized that it was the back you were staring at but what-

Your attention jumped over to a girl walking out from the shadows in front of you with her hand in the air. You stared at her. It was the girl from before! El! As she slowly turned her hand, the creature in front of the two of you also spun around. His bare flesh exposed big veins and two empty white eyes.

"You." The creature growled. Vecna. That was most definitely Vecna.

"Hi." El replied before striking her hand forward which caused Vecna's body to fly backwards and hit the bleachers behind him with a loud bang. Badass, dude. 

You gasped audibly and El looked over her shoulder at you. She gasped as well.

"Who are you?" She whispered. 

You shrugged. "I-I don't know-.. I mean-"

"(Y/N)? El?!" Max murmured. 

"Max!" You and El shouted and glanced at each other again but quickly peeked over to the tall dark figure that caught your eye. Vecna padded out to the center of the arena.

"If you touch her again, I will kill you again." El warned.

"Is that what you did? Kill me? I am so glad you are here, Eleven. And you, (Y/N). I've seen you. I've seen you since Chrissy. Since Fred. I see everything. I've seen you and your friends. I know what they're doing. You believed that you could sneak  into my  world without me knowing?" Vecna looked at you and you felt your body freeze. "This is going to be beautiful. Beautiful."

Your clenched your jaw and blinked. When you opened your eyes, you were back in the Upside Down, in Eddie's trailer. No! No, no no! What was happening back there? Everyone was in danger. Robin, Steve, Nancy, Dustin. Max, Lucas, Erica. Eddie. Everyone. You were right, this was a suicide mission. Wait, Eddie. You looked up to see that Dustin was gone, hopefully to save Max, Lucas and Erica from Jason. You rushed out the RV, ignoring the pain in your ankle from the fall without a mattress, and followed the swarm of bats. Please don't be too late.

i am so sorry for this bro i posted it and drafted it cause i hate where this is going, swear i'll do better bruh im sorry

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