chapter five

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apologies in advance for a boring
but its for the storyline! 

The gravel crunching beneath your shoes was the only thing to break the complete silence of the night. You dropped the cigarette on the road and stepped on it as you followed the road back to Eddie's trailer. It was nice to get to know Chrissy better, although the circumstances were a bit weird. To say the least. Eddie was definitely cool as well. You knocked on the door before grabbing the handle. It was locked. You frowned and spun around to realize that the car wasn't there any longer.

Fuck, they left without you? Were you gone for that long on your little walk? No, just a couple of minutes. You let out a long sigh and squinted your eyes. Steve. You needed a phone. Max? She was awake just a little while ago.

You walked over to her trailer to knock on the door. No response. Maybe she had already fallen asleep? You knocked again and listened for footsteps.

Yes! You sighed again, this time in relief, as you heard someone on the other side of the wall. Maxine glanced behind the curtains before opening the door. 


"Hi, I'm so sorry for knocking at this time. But I really need to use a phone, could I please borrow yours? I have to call Steve."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong, just a misunderstanding. I was supposed to get a ride home but, uhm, they apparently forgot about me.." You said with a nervous chuckle. Maxine gestured with her head for you to follow her. "Thank you. Once again, so sorry for knocking at this time."

You couldn't see anything in the darkness, just followed her outline until she stopped and handed you a phone. You thanked her again before dialing Steve's number. He quickly answered and agreed to pick you up. 

"You were hanging with Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham, right?" 

"Uhm... Yeah uh..  I'll just wait outside, thank you for letting me use the phone-"

"I know he sells stuff."

"... right. I only came along to accompany Chrissy-"

"I don't care if you do drugs, (Y/N). I won't snitch," she said without emotion but you could sense something else beneath that cold voice.

You nodded slowly. "Alright, nice... Well, I was waiting for her to be done with her purchase and went outside for a walk. Eddie was supposed to drive us both home, but they must've thought I already left cause when I came back the van was gone and I'd been locked outside, haha. Automatic lock, I think." You started walking back to the door, careful not to bump into anything in the complete blackness. 

"I saw you walk out earlier. Are you sure they both left without you?"

"Yeah, so thank you for lending me your phone." 

"No problem... I just, I thought I saw Eddie, alone, speed out of the park recently." Maxine's tone was still flat and low.

"That's weird... You sure?"

"I don't know, no I'm not sure. It's nothing weird, really. Eddie always drives like a maniac." She shook her head and you closed the entrance and stepped out in the cold night air again. Van was still gone. Lights completely out in his trailer.

It didn't take long until car beams flashed through the thick darkness. You explained the situation truthfully to Steve, and he promised not to tell anyone about Chrissy's little business with Eddie.

"Munson, huh? I remember him." 

"He was not like what I had expected. He was kind and, honestly, rather mild than tough."

Steve shrugged. "Kind of Max to let you use her phone." He pulled up on your driveway and said goodbye. You sneaked inside, up the stairs, and into your bed to fall asleep instantly. 


The warm water left a burning but comforting sensation on your skin as you stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around your body. Being clean must be one of the best feelings in the world. You had woken up earlier than expected this free Saturday morning. The sun was shining outside and it seemed like you managed to avoid waking up your mother and her boyfriend last night. You grabbed a cup and poured up some hot coffee for yourself, went over last night's events in your head. 

You walked upstairs again, put the white cup down on the window desk and turned the radio on before sitting down in your bed to do your makeup, wondering what it was going to be like on Monday. Would Chrissy and Eddie act like nothing had happened, or be friendly and talkative? You took a sip from the drink as you started to fill in your eyebrows. Regardless, you decided that you were going to be friendly. It could be difficult to have such divided friend groups. Steve and Robin never hung out with your cheerleader friends, for example. And Eddie would never  get along with the jocks. Oh, Chrissy would probably ignore Eddie. Totally. Maybe it was for the best to act as though nothing had happened? 

The radio suddenly caught your attention as you heard something about Forest Hill. You stopped what you were doing to listen.

"We don't have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins student was discovered early this morning." you felt your jaw slowly drop as the reporter continued, "Police have not released the name although we are told they're currently in the process of notifying the family."

Did something happen while you were gone? They both  had left without you, right? Your mind turned blank as you tried to listen to what else the reporter had to say, but you couldn't make out a single word. You stood up again, quickly changed as you tried to sort out your thoughts. What if something happened? Could Eddie have hurt her? No way. Yes way? Don't know. Holy shit.

Your mind kept on spinning as you jumped into your car to drive to Steve and Robin's work place, Family Video. Why did you have to take that walk last night? Why did you leave Chrissy alone? She was way more nervous than you were. That was so selfish! Something was clearly wrong with her yesterday. You should've- Was that Max and Dustin on the road? You took a deep breath, honked at them and stopped the car. They hopped inside and Max started telling her version of events. Dustin repeated over and over that Eddie didn't have it in him to hurt anyone. You didn't know what to believe. 

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