Chapter 15

452 12 4

Loki's POV

"Men trærne danser og fossene stanser" I and a bunch of other people start clapping, and singing.
(but the trees dance and the waterfalls stop)

"Når hun synger, hun sunger 'kom hjem'"
(when she sings, she sings "come home")

"Men trærne danser og fossene stanser"
(but the trees dance and the waterfalls stop)

"When she sings, she sings come home! When she sings, she sings come home!"

"Men trærne danser og fossene stanser" Sylive wakes up from her little nap, and waves at me, so I wave back.
(but the trees dance and the waterfalls stop)

"Når hun synger, hun sunger 'kom hjem'"
(when she sings, she sings "come home")

"Men trærne danser og fossene stanser" she lips "where's your uniform?" To me to which I don't reply, just keep singing.
(but the trees dance and the waterfalls stop)

"When she sings, she sings come home! When she sings, she sings come home!" I put my arms to my shoulders and start swinging from left to right.

"When she sings, she sings come home! When she sings, she sings come home!"

"Shhhh!!" I put my finger to my lips. And everyone stops clapping and singing.

"I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene"
(in stormy black mountains, I hike alone)

"Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem"
(over the glacier I make my way)

"I eplehagen står møyen den vene"
(In the apple orchard the maiden stands the vein)

"Og synger: "når kommer du hjem?"
(and sings: "when are you coming home?")

I pause for a moment. "Men trærne danser og fossene stanser" I start clapping and jumping again.
(but the trees dance and the waterfalls stop)

"Når hun synger, hun sunger 'kom hjem"
(when she sings, she sings "come home")

"Men trærne danser og fossene stanser"
(but the trees dance and the waterfalls stop)

"When she sings, she sings come home! When she sings, she sings come homeeeeee!" I raise my glass up in the air.

"To Sylive, everybody!" I say, while everyone is clapping and cheering. I take another sip of Champagne. "Another!" I say, when it's empty smashing the glass on the ground.

Sylive gets up and walks over to me "Your drunk."

"No! I'm just full! But bear in mind, i'm very full." I correct myself. "Now, I need you to try this." I take the food in my hand "It pairs very nice with the Figgy Port. Who's got the Figgy Port?" I look around but don't find it "You have to take my word on the Figgy Port." I take a deep breath "B-"

"Where's your uniform? We're meant to be laying low." Sylive interrupts me.

"Nobody cares! It's the end of the world." I smirk.

"I think something's happening."

"Yes! Uh, that planet is about to crash into us!" I say smiling.

"Don't be stupid. I saw some people looking at you weirdly." Sylive rolls her eyes.

"What?" I put the food down on the table, but miss, then it fell on the ground instead. I look down at the food that fell. "When did you get so paranoid?" I look back up at Sylive.

"It must have started when I spent my entire life running from the omniscient fascists you work for." Sylive said.

I look back down at the food that fell "It's a shame to let that go to waste." Still on the subject of the food I accidentally dropped. "Hey! Change of subject. I thought of an answer."

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