Chapter 9

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Y/n's pov

The elevator opens, and we finally get to the dining area, where Mobius said he was. Me and Loki walk towards the table Mobius is at. "We've found something." Loki told Mobius.

"No I said don't bother me, until you've read all the files." Mobius says, with food in his mouth.

"We have." I said.

"Every file?"

"Yes." Loki says.

"Pertaining to the Variant?"

"The answer isn't in the files, it's on the Timeline." Loki says, while we take a seat.

"He's hiding, in apocalypse's." Loki, says.

"Which apocalypse? Any time in history, there's like a million of them." Mobius says, then he starts rummaging through the files he brought.

He finally finds the file "Ragnarock. Are you familiar?"

"Yes, the destruction of Asgard, and most of its people, I'm sorry." Mobius says.

"Yes, very sad." Loki says, staring down for a moment "Anyway, it got me thinking." He pauses.

"Go ahead." Mobius says.

"Nexus events." He began "happens, when someone, does something there not suppose to do, right?"

"We'll it's a little, more complicated, but yeah." Mobius shakes his head.

He gave Mobius a thumbs up, "Great. And then that thing there not suppose to do, cascades into a whole range of things that aren't suppose to happen, and so on and so forth, until eventually a new Timeline branches, yes?"

" Chaotic alterations of a predetermined outcome." Mobius says.

"Exactly! So, let's just say-" Loki grabs Mobius's salad.

"What are you doing?"

"Your salad" He ignores him "is Asgard, in this scenario."

"No, it's not Asgard, it's my lunch."

"I-It's a metaphor, just hang in there."

"I want that salad." Mobius pouts, and I snicker, putting my hand over my mouth, realizing I snickered a little to loud.

"I could go down, to Asgard, before Ragnarock causes its complete destruction and I could do anything I wanted." Loki goes.

"I could, let's say-" Loki grabs the salt "push the Hulk off the Rainbow Bridge." He starts pouring salt into Mobius's lunch. "There he goes." He says, looking like he quite enjoyed it, while still pouring salt on his lunch. "The salts the Hulk?" Mobius asks, furrowing his brows.

"And I could also-" He shrugs, taking the pepper "Set fire to the palace." He starts pouring pepper in his salad.

"No, just stop, don't set fire to the palace." Mobius pouts, still wanting his salad.

Now he starts pouring both the salt and pepper "Okay? I can do whatever I want to do, and it would never matter, and it wouldn't go against the dictates of the timeline because-" he stops pouring the salt and pepper and put them on the table, then picks up the Josta can, shaking it a little, before learning that it's empty, he starts looking around before getting up.

"Excuse me-" he goes over to Casey's table.

"Oh, God!" Mobius says.

"Oh poor Casey, can't get a break!" I said. Inside, I was laughing, but part of me feels bad for Casey.

"You!" Casey says, when he sees Loki.

"Nice to see you, I just need this for a second. Thanks." He grabs Casey's drink, not waiting for an answer from him, then comes back to the table with his drink, while leaving Casey still looking confused.

"Because the apocalypse is coming." Loki starts, with Casey's drink "Ragnarock, Surtur will destroy Asgard, no matter what I do." He flips Casey's drink upside down, "No do-" Mobius starts before it's to late and Casey's drink comes pouring out, onto Mobius's salad, Mobius sighs, giving up, while I'm dying laughing, almost falling off the chair, before brining myself back up, wiping my tears.

"There's the apocalypse." Loki goes, while it's still pouring. "That's the apocalypse?!" Mobius asks, frustrated.

"Ragnarock, obliterates, the salt." Loki goes.

He brings his arms up higher, smirking, as he enjoyed ruining Mobius's salad, before Casey's drink pours out, now empty, leaving a very interesting salad choice.

Loki crushed Casey's now empty drink "Ragnarock!" Loki says, putting Casey's drink on the table.

"There it is!" Loki's still smirking, throwing his arms up, then putting them down. "What am I looking at?" Mobius says, staring at the abomination of a salad.

"Okay, it was a clumsy metaphor. But you see what I mean. It doesn't matter-" Loki furrows his brows "It could be any apocalypse-" he starts naming some "It could be a tidal wave, it could be a meteor, it could be a volcano, a supernova." He picks up Mobius's use to be salad, now just a monstrosity "If everything and everyone around you is destined for imminent destruction-" he places the salad down, and picks up the salt and pepper shakers again then starts pouring salt and pepper everywhere on Mobius's salad once again "then nothing that I say or do will matter, because the Timelines, not going to branch, cause it's getting destroyed." He puts the salt and pepper shakers down.

"Hence, the Variant could be hiding in the apocalypse and do whatever he wants, and we wouldn't know!"

"Not bad." I say, a little impressed.

"Take me to the real apocalypse, to Ragnarock, I'll show you."

"So you can run away back to your homeland? No way." I said, shaking my head.

"No! I'm not going home! We can go anywhere!" Loki says.

"I'm not taking you for a stroll along the promenade, let alone an apocalypse!" I said.

"Oh Y/n come on!"

He's trying to manipulate me.

"What could possibly go wrong? We gotta properly test this theory." Loki says.

"Well, here's a fun theory, you lure us out into the field, and stab me in the back! And that's a theory I do not want to test." I say.

"What? I'd never stab anyone in the back! That's such a boring form of betrayal!" Loki said.

"Loki, we've studied almost every movement of your entire life, you've literally stabbed people in the back like, 50 times!" I spat.

He paused for a moment.

"We'll I'd never do it again! Because it got old." Loki furrowed his brows.

Me and Mobius laughed. "Okay." Mobius said.

"Okay, look, you guys don't trust me, you can trust one thing." He paused for a moment "I love, to be right."

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