Chapter 7

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Loki's pov

"Okay y'all!" I hear Miss Minutes say, as I'm reading a magazine, with a guy on a jet-ski, I had my feet on the desk that I was working on.

Power. Performance. Quality. Was the cover of the magazine.

"Let's review what we've learned. What happens when a nexus event branches past red line?!" Miss minutes asks.

"Very bad things."

"Come on Loki, what is it?" Her southern accent is really showing now.

I sigh, looking down from the magazine to Miss Minutes "it's when the TVA can no longer reset the nexus event. k?" Looking back down at the magazine.

"Right! And that would lead to the destruction of the timeline, and the collapse of reality as we know it." Miss Minutes says.

"Can you hear me? Are you a recording or alive?" I ask, looking down from the magazine.

"Uhhh, sorta both."

"Ah." I said, scrunching up the magazine, looking around to make sure no one is watching.

I slap the magazine where she was standing, but I wasn't quick enough. She jumped to some papers lying on the desk, before I could hit her.

"Hey! Watch it, where's your manners?!" Miss Minutes says.

I smirk. I quiet enjoyed that.

I slap her again, but she's still too quick, jumping on some files. "Oh! Hey! Quit it!"

I try and slap her again, before she moves again, this time on top of the TV "that is not nice!" She said, before disappearing inside the TV screen. "Jerk!" She said, inside the TV screen so I can't get to her.

"You can't hide!" I said to her, before Mobius and Y/n come.

"Training goin well?" Mobius asks.

"Yea- Yeah!" I stuttered.

"Hey! Is that my jet-ski magazine?!" Mobius asks.

"Put it down, come on, gear up!" Y/n says, as Mobius takes it from my hands.

"There's been another attack come on let's go!" Mobius says, rushing me.

He gave me this jacket. "Put it on." Mobius says as I take it out of the plastic, and try it on.

I raise my arms. "Good. Yeah. Smart." Y/n says.

"C20 and her team went dark shortly after they jumped into the 1985 branch." B-15 said, and took a deep breath "all signs point to another ambush."

I had my hands in my pockets.

"We've grabbed enough temporal aura to know it's our Loki Variant. But which kind of Variant, remains unknown." B-15 says.

"They're the lesser kind. To be clear." I say.

"Let me see the back of that jacket." B-15 asks.

I take my hands out of my pockets and fix my jacket a little, then turn around.

Y/n laughed. "No wonder."

I turn back around ignoring Y/n "Very subtle, well done."

"I don't want anyone out there to forget what you are." B-15 says.

"Right, your only hope of capturing a murder you mean." I scoffed.

B-15 laughed. "No. A cosmic mistake."

"That's enough you two." Y/n says.

"Lovely." I furrow my brows.

"Here's the deal, when we get out on the branch, we're not just looking for a Time Criminal, we're looking for a Loki. A variation of-" Mobius points to me "this guy."

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