Hot springs.18

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(Later after breakfast)

Red:what's the matter?
Mk:Nothing,Im just bored...
Red:Yeah.....Well it is Sunday,don't you have training to go to?
Mk:Oh Right!Do you want to come with?
Red:Eh,Sure why not.

They got ready and left.When they arrived Swk was just hanging around in a tree.

Mk:Monkie king!!!
Swk:Geez kid.You scared me.I don't recognize your scent anymore!
Mk:Sorry...but Anyways what training are we doing today?
Swk:Hmm,Y'know.I don't know.
Mk:*face palm and sighs*
Swk:What?You try coming up training lessons!!
Mk:Well,What can we do since we are already here?
Swk:Oh!That hot spring I told you about a while ago!I found it and it's pretty nice,Want to go check it out?
Mk:Sure why not,Red do you?
Red:I suppose.

Swk lead then through a secluded area and they arrived at the spring 20 minutes later.

Mk:Woah!!!It looks so cool!!
Red:This looks nice.
Swk:It's pretty warm too.
Mk:Can we get in it?
Swk:yeah,Give me a moment I'll be back,I'm gonna get towels.
Mk:Ok!*Starts undressing*
Red:*Looking away and blushing*Do you normally do this when you find hot spring?!
Mk:Most if the time,C'Mon!*Jumps in*
Red:Fine...*starts undressing aswell*
*They left their boxers on!!*

Once Red got in they laid back and relaxed making small talk.A few minutes later Swk arrived(he ran)and Jumped in.They sat their for a while relaxing,playing around and talking.

Swk:So,Now that you two are going to be getting married have you thought about your wedding much?
Mk:Oh,I forgot about a wedding..
Red:Yeah,I didn't think of that much yet...
Swk:Well you did think of one thing.*Swk said pointing at Mk's neck*
Mk: ...*He was red*
Red:I...*He flared up a bit but it quickly went down*
Swk:Well,now you've got to start thinking a wedding.
Red:We will,eventually.
Swk:Well,what did your parents say about this Red son?
Red: I...
Mk:Monkie king!!
Red:I-It's fine....
Mk:Hey don't worry about them,There opinions mean nothing in this!
Red:Thank you....
Swk:I swear I forgot,sorry..
Mk:Hm!You better be sorry!
Red:H-Hey Mk is there a restroom?
Mk:Um yeah,I'll take you.

Mk and Red son got out of the water and Mk took Red back to use the restroom.When Red got in there he started crying,he cared,he really cared about what his parents would think,how they would react this time finding out he's going to marry Mk.DBK didn't even react well to find out he was staying with him.He stayed in the restroom for about 10 minutes and Mk grew worried and knocked on the door.

Mk:*knocking*Hey red?
Red: ....*trying not to make noise*
Mk:Red are you ok?
Red: ....
Mk:Hottie!Open the door if you're not ok,I want to help you!
Red: ....I-I'm fine....
Mk:You don't sound like it.
Red: ....
Mk:Red.Open the door.
Red: ....ok....*He went to open the door*
Mk:Red,Are you ok?*He went in and hugged him*
Red:*Sniff*Mk,What do you think they would say if they found out we were getting married..?
Mk:Well I'll be truthful with you,They probably wouldn't like that,but who cares what they think!
Red:I care....*His tears getting a bit heavier*
Mk:Red..I'm sorry..
Red:I just wish I could forget them!!*He became sobbing into Mk's shoulder*
Mk:It can be hard to forgot..but you can always make new memories!
Red:I know....But they....*He began to start chocking on his sobs*
Mk:Red you need to calm down..
Red:B-But I-
Mk:Red.Just breath.
Red:M-Mk...I-I'm sorry*He continued sobbing but suddenly he caught a flame as well*
Mk:Red!!In and out!
Red:*Red Tries to breath but just causes himself more distress*
Mk:*Grabs one of Reds hands and burns his hand but he still held on*Red!Please.....Ah!

Red noticed He was burning Mk and tried to stop the flame which he managed to do but was still sobbing.Mk started to breath in and out and asked Red to copy him and Red managed to calm down a bit.

Mk:Red...I'm sorry Monkie king brought up that topic....
Red:*Sniff*I-Its fine...I'm sorry for not listening to you....
Mk:No,it's ok I understand you were panicking.

Mk tightly held Red in a hug and Red started to radiate heat onto Mk making them both feel warm but then Red noticed that Mk's hand was burned yet again.Red felt bad but just hugged Mk tighter.Mk got up and helped Red up and they went back to the Hot spring where Swk sat.Mk and Red got in,this time they sat closer to each other holding hands under the water.

Swk:Hey Red son,
Swk:I'm sorry,I wasn't thinking right and I completely forgot about your situation.
Red:It's fine...*He squeezed Mk's hand harder*

About 1 1/2 hours later they got out and dried off.Mk and Red son left and went back to the apartment.When they arrived there it was 4:39,Red son grabbed the first aid kit (first aid kit 😍😍)And Red helped Mk with the burn.Later,Mk and Red decided to play video games,Mk purposely let Red son win a few times and then praised him making Red flustered.Mk found joy in praising Red because Red never usually got much praise and He liked watching Red get all flustered.After they played a PvP game they decided to go get some snacks to eat.They grabbed chips,chicken nuggets,and sodas.Even though Red son had been living with Mk for over a year he had never tried a soda.Mk was shocked by this.

Mk:First ice cream,then pizza,Now soda too?!?
Red:We'll I'm sorry I grew up in high class.
Mk:Well even high class should have had soda and ice cream!
Red:We'll mother always told me I would get big if I ate that stuff...
Mk:Hm,Well you get to have some now!

Mk opened a soda and gave it to Red and Red took a sip of it and it was very sugary sweet.Red thought it was ok but still prefers coffee.Mk Opened up the
Chips and they ate some of it while watching a movie then the microwave went off signaling the chicken nuggets were done.Mk got up and went to go get them he came back and placed them down in between them and they watched the movie and ate.

Guys I keep seeing Lmk angst after those new episodes and I'm crying 😭😭😭😭

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