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I'm sorry if it's cringy 😫😫😫

Red sons pov:
Gah,I'm so tired.Why does mother always insist I stay up and build these stupid bull bots,while she gets to go and do what ever she wants.
"It's not fair!"

*Red son hadn't realized he said that to loud,loud enough PIF had heard and went to check and see if was working.*

PIF:What is going on?What isn't fair?
R:AH,M-mother!what are you doing here?
PIF:I heard you yell and I came to make sure you were working.
R:oh.well,about that...*he spoke sheepishly*
PIF:what is it?*she said in a annoyed tone*
R:um,I...how come I have to o-overwork myself to build you and father all these robots while you and him get to relax and do nothing all day?
R:I- I just don't think it's fair!
PIF:You ungrateful little rat!!I gave you a home to live in,food to eat,and all I get is you,a useless brat calling me lazy?!?!
R:T-That's not what I-I meant!!
PIF:Sure it isn't!Y'know what.GET OUT.
PIF:GET OUT IF MY HOUSE!*she screamed as she pulled him in and reached for one of the robot arms that way laying in the ground*
R:*Trying to pull away*M-mother I'm sure your mad but please!
PIF:SHUT UP!*she screamed as she hit him in the face leaving a bleeding mark from the left corner of his mouth to the left corner of his eye*

PIF proceeded to shove him out the door and push him to the ground.Red son didn't know how to feel.Mad?Sad?Guilty?He's just been kicked out of his house by his own mother.He had nothing,no where to go,no food,no clothes and more importantly,no one.

Red sons pov:

I can't believe it.She really kicked me out.Now look at me.I'm all alone,all because I couldn't keep my stupid mouth shut!He shed a tear but the scar his mother left started hurting and he quickly wiped his tear away,he didn't want to cry either way especially now when he's all alone.

*Red son started to feel something in the sky*
R:what is this?
*starts raining*

Red son was to busy yelling at the rain to notice a figure was running up to him.Quickly.
As Red son finally looked down and saw the figure running up to him under the street light he realized  it was to late,the figure ran right into Red son giving him a bloody nose.
Mk:What are you doing out here in the rain?
R:Bleeding from my nose what else?*Red son had said sarcastically*
Mk:OH RIGHT!I am so sorry!
R:That's right you better be,Now run off before I burn you to crisp!!
Mk:wait but what are you seriously doing out in the rain?
R:Mind your own business noodle boy.
Mk:And what happened to your face?
R:Rude,and like I said,MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!
Mk:geez calm down I just wanted to make sure you're ok!
R:why would you,the Monkie kid,want to make sure I,Red son aka a villain,am ok?
Mk:well you might be a villain but that doesn't mean you don't have feeling!

Those words made Red son feel a bit of warmth.

R:well since you want to know so bad,I've just got kicked out of my home!
R:I don't have to tell you that!
Mk:that's understandable,but what about your face?
R:I-I um tripped!yes I tripped.
Mk:no need to yell! It's 9 at night!
R:yeah exactly now leave! Or you'll get sick in this rain.
Mk:what?*said Shocked*
R:I MEAN LEAVE OR ILL BURN YOU!*Red son said slightly embarrassed to show solicitude*
Mk:what about you though?
R:never Mind me,are you asking to die?
Mk.eh!No I'm just worried about you!Let me at least treat your nose!
R:*in mind*Wait this could be good,maybe I could get info on this noodle boy and find his secret base,then maybe mother won't think I'm that useless!
R:Fine!only because you hurt me.
Mk:I said I was sorry!

It got quiet for a moment as they stood there,under the light.As Red son started to get a bit worried about if he made a mistake to accept Mks offer but right then Mk grabbed Red sons wrist and brought him to his apartment.They had to sneak pass the noodle shop so that Pigsy wouldn't notice him Bringing in one of their rivals.

Mk opened the door and told  Red son to sit in the couch while he went to find a first aid kit.


Again I'm sorry it this is bad it's my first time 😭

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