Calabash :) .11

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Y'all because I'm out of ideas I'm going to use another person idea again.But with a switch!!
(Once again I read this a while ago and don't remember who made it but it was someone's idea of Mk going back into the calabash and instead of being shipped with mei it was Red)

Red had just woken his old home.....
Red son started freaking out and didn't know why he was there he got up but then felt a tug on his side.It was Mk.Red son tried to wake Mk up.

Red:Noodle boy!!*he whispered*
Red:Noodle boy!*Red said louder*
Mk:Ngh!I thought you said you'd stop calling me that honey!!!
Red:W-what?!*he blushed*
Mk:what do you mean what?
Red:Y-you called me honey......*Red continued to blush*
Mk:Are you okay?
Red:Y-Yeah!Wait no!why are we here?!
Mk:What do you mean?we live here...
Red:No....We live in your apartment!
Mk:Baby I think your just tired..
Red:I-I-......*in mind:What is going in?!?!?Why does he keep calling me name?!?!GAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!*
Mk:C'Mon let go get breakfast.
Red: .....O-ok.....*he said hesitantly*

Mk and Red went down stairs and They saw DBK and PIF sitting at the table already.Red was scared.Red hid behind Mk and Mk was confused as to was Red was shaking.

Mk:Flames,Are you ok??
Red: ....Yeah....
Mk:Why are you shaking?
Red:J-just cold!
Mk: ....There is literally fire and lava everywhere?!?!
Red:I- Um.....
Mk:*Kisses Red*forget it,Lets get some food.

They went at sat down at the table,Red tried to avoid all eye contact with his mother and father.

PIF:Good morning son!How are you?
Red: ....*In mind:SON?!?NOW YOU WANT TO CALL ME SON!!!AFTER ALL THOSE YEARS OF TREATING M- Calm down!!! There's clearly something going on so just stay calm!*
I'm good mother how are you? *Red said in a fake smile*
PIF: I am Excellent!!

Red hurried to finish eating and ran to go wash his dish.When he did He didn't notice Mk following him.Red washed his dish and when Red turned around Mk was in front of Red.Red blushed.

Mk:Hey hot stuff~
Red*Blushed more*H-Hey!*Red tried to look away*
Mk:*Put his dish in the sink and then grabbed on to Red*I love you baby!
Red:I- I love you too..*Red was blushing a lot*

Mk kissed red and Red was blushing a lot.
DBK walked in and Red quickly pushed Mk away.

Red:H-Hello F-Father!!
DBK:Hello Son,why did you push your husband?
DBK:Huh?Why are you yelling?
Red:B-But I'm not married?!?
Mk:What do you mean Spark?
Red:I.I.....*Red ran off to his room and locked his door*
Whats going on!?!?

Mk Came and knocked on the door.Red didn't respond nor open the door.

Mk:Red!!Let me in I want to know if you're ok!!
Red:G-Go away!!!
Mk:No!Let me in!!!
Red: .......F-Fine!!

Red opened the door and Mk bursted in jumping on Red.Mk hugged Red.Red seem to feel as though he was...cold?

Mk:Bonny what's wrong? (FYI Bonny means attractive or beautiful in most places,just saying so people don't get confused)
Red: ....Why are we here?
Mk:Uh— W-what do you mean!!
Red:Why are we at my parents home?You know how they treated me!
Mk:O-Oh! Yeah!! Um.....
Red: well?
Mk:Um...*He kissed Red*
Red: W-Why do you keep kissing me!!!
Mk:Do you not like it?

In the real world with Mk.

Mk:Red?!?Red where are you?!?

Mk had searched around the house for Red son because he had disappeared.Mk then went downstairs to go look for him.

Mk:Hey guys!
Pigsy:Ah!kid you feeling better?
Mk:Yeah!But have you seen Red son?
Tang:Red son didn't come in here.
Mk:Hm....That's weird......

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