Amusement .08

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Mk was looking a round as they walked inside the amusement park.Red son was also pretty shocked at how big the park was.Since this was a treat to Mk they got to ride whatever he chose.

Mk:Let's go on that roller coaster!!
R:You really want to start off on something that big?!
Mk:Yeah!If you get that out the way then you're pretty much prepared for anything!!
R:Well.Fine I guess let's go.

They waited in line,it was about 20 minutes or so but as they talked Red had noticed something behind Mk.It was a baby spider.

R:Hey noodle boy.
R:There's something behind you.*he snickered*
Mk:what is it?*he said turning around*
R:A spider.*Red said with a smirk on his face*
R:Stop screaming!!!
R:Stop being so over dramatic it's just a spider.*Red said as he picked it up and put it on the floor to run away*
Mk:Well it's gross!
R:Not really.
R:Let's go,it's our turn to get on.

They got on the ride and got strapped in,they sat there a bit nervous that they were on it but Mk realized it can be that bad,can it?
Just then the ride started and they instantly took off.
Red was enjoying this but then he felt something brush against his hand and then it locked fingers with him.Mk was scared and his eyes were shut.Red let him hold his hand for the rest of the ride as he enjoyed it.Once they got off Red started to make fun of Mk for it.

R:So what happened to being all brave noodle boy.*he said trying to make fun of Mk*
Mk:Hey!I didn't know it was that scary!*he said with embarrassment*

Red laughed as they still held hand walking to the next ride.
It had been about an hour and a half when they started feeling a bit hungry and decided to go get some food.Mk offered to pay for it but Red insisted on it.They got their food and went to find a place to sit but it was very crowded and packed so they found a more secluded place and sat there to talk and eat.As they finished up They went to throw away there trash and go sit back down to let the food settle for a moment.Mk gave Red a hug and thanked him for this wonderful day he was having,Red blushed and they continued to chat some more then they went to go find more things to do.

Mk:Oh!How about we go in the carousel!!!
R:I- I mean I'd rather not.
R:I just...don't like them that much.
Mk:Are you scared?!?
R:W-What n-no!!
Mk:But why a carousel of all things?
R:Well a few years ago my...mother....had took me to a carnival and they had a carousel,I had gotten on it as a joke but the ride broke down and it wouldn't stop spinning,need less to say I just don't like them anymore.
Mk:Well that's a good enough reason let's find something else to do!!
R:How about games?

They looked for a game that didn't look boring and they had found one that they played for 10 minutes and won something small.They decided that it was starting to get late and they should wrap things up and leave.

R:So,did you have fun?
Mk:Of course!!Thank you!
R:*blushing*Y-you're welcome.
Mk:Oh!Because you paid for all of this,I will be buying dinner,No buts!
Mk.I said no buts!!!!

Mk chuckled a bit.Mk made Red son chose a Restaurant to eat at,They went inside and got seated.

Mk:What do you want to eat?
R:Umm...I don't know..
Mk:Well,I recommend their dumplings they are really good!!
R:Do they have anything,spicy?
Mk.Let me see........Oh yeah,The chili pepper chicken and lime chili shrimp.
R:ok,I want the chili pepper chicken.
Mk:K!I'll do the dumplings!

They ordered there food and chatted for a bit and then their food had arrived,they ate it,Mk was surprised at how Red son could eat spicy foods and not have his tongue burning off but then he remembered that Red is a demon,literally.Once they finished Mk paid for the meal and they left and went back to the apartment.

Mk:Ah!Im stuffed!!
R:Well don't go and lay down now,you've got to shower.

Mk took a shower and Red son did after.(awhile ago they had went shopping for clothes for Red to wear)
Mk wore his normal Red shorts and monkey king t-shirt and Red son came out in a sleeveless shirt and sweatpants.They sat down on the couch and watched a movie together.Mk started to feel a bit tired so he wanted to head off to bed.

Mk:Hey Red.
Mk:good night!
R:good night.
Mk:I love you!*he placed a kiss on reds face*
R:*Reds flames suddenly flared up as he blushed*
R:I- I love you too..*his face was red but so was mk's*

Mk went to sleep and Red tried to put his flame out.
This was nice,This is what Red son had wanted.To be wanted,at ease but most importantly.....loved.
And now that Red was He was happy.

*I'm just going to do a 2 month time skip so,sorry I'm running a bit low on ideas😅*

Within these 2 months Red had gotten bored waiting for Mk everyday so he decided to just start working at Pigsy,Red would help cook and deliver with Mk to help him stay on track.Mk loved this because now he could spend more time with Red son throughout the day.Red also loved this because he got to spend a lot of time with Mk as well.

*Mk is training with Monkey king now :)*

Mk:So,Are you going to teach me anything new today???
Sun:Well,no......but we do need to talk.
Sun:Kid,I've noticed something different.
Mk:What are you talking about?
Sun:Your scent.
Mk:What about it?
Sun:you....well you're starting to....smell like.....a demon.....
Sun:I don't know,you seem human and all but you smell like a demon,have you fought anyone recently?
Mk:not that I can recall.
Sun:I don't know what it could be,the scent is kinda strong.....*Monkey king was Confused because the smell was familiar but he just didn't know who.*
Mk:*Had finally realized what was happening and what Monkey king was talking about,He blushed*
Mk:AH!I- I know what you're talking about now aha..
Sun:Great,now tell me who so I can.....get rid of them.....
Mk:NO!i- I mean it's fine!
Sun:You're acting a bit strange....
Mk:Really?! No,I don't think so.
Sun:Who is it?
Sun:who is the demon.
Mk:I- ummmm........
Mk:Fine!I-it's....Red son....
Mk:You don't have to worry!!
Sun:What do you mean don't worry?!
Mk:I- I've sorta,tamed the demon I could say....


Bro I'm so low on ideas but I am going to be making a new AU where There is a villain Mk and some spicy noodle 😆😆

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