Sleepover :) .12

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They stood there quiet for a moment but Mk decided to speak out.

Mk:Fine!Maybe we are.....
Pigsy:Kid why did you tell me sooner?!
Mk:I- I didn't know how you would react!!
Pigsy:Well,I wouldn't have cared as much if you didn't hide it from me!
Mk:I-I'm sorry!!
Red:I am sorry to,for lying to you....
Pigsy:Hm....You're both forgiven.So..How long has this been going on for?
Mk:Well....Since I brought him to meet you guys......
Pigsy:Wow....ok then....well,Don't let your little relationship thing stop you from getting work done!!
R+M:yes sir!

Pigsy walked away and Mk gave Red a kiss on the cheek.Then they got back to work.

Later when they were finished with work and it was closing time they went back upstairs and They went to take showers.

They went and took a shower.Once they were done
Red then went to go make dinner and Mk sat down and got on his phone and played games.Once dinner was done they went to go eat.Red had decided to ask more questions about what had happened in Mk's Calabash.

Red:So,noodle boy.....What exactly happened inside your calabash??
Mk:Oh we'll,I woke up and was Late for work and then Pigsy was ok with that which was concerning cause usually he yells,then I got sent to the ship were There was dinner and both me and you ate and then you took me back home and.......... Well let's skip that part,Then I finally had figured out everything and managed to get out of it.
R:Oh...Well that seemed...Eventful...
Mk:What about yours?
R:Well you I told you about a bit of it but I woke up at my parents home and we ate breakfast and they were very happy for some reason and Then I found out we were married and I ran off and you came to comfort me and later I twisted your arm behind you back and yeah...You did also kiss and touch me alot....
Mk:Ok then....

After that Mk went and washed the dishes while Red son went and did laundry.Once they both finished what they were doing they went and played some video games.Red son had beat Mk for the first time and bragged about it in his face.

R:HA!Thats right!I won!!!
Mk:Only by luck!!
R:Nah uh!Im better than you!

They laughed a bit and then there was a knock at the door and Mk went to go open it.

Mk:Oh!Hey what's up!!
Mei:I'm bored wanna have a sleepover?!
Mk:Hold on let me see...

Mk turned around and had asked Red son if It was on to let Mei stay over for the night.Red had said yes because Red really didn't mind having Mei around.

Mei:Sooooooo,What are y'all doing?
Mk:We were just playing some games.
Red:That I beat you in!!!!
Mk:You cheated!!!
Mei:Can I play with y'all?

The 3 of them played games for a while and eventually had got bored.

Mei:Guys I'm bored!!!
Red:Yeah...Is there something else we can do?
Mei:How about truth or dare?!
Red:How do you play that?
Mk:You have to choose truth or dare and then depending on what you chose you either have to do what the other person says or answer a question the person ask you,truthfully.
Red:Oh,that seems easy enough, ok.
Mei:Me first!Mk truth or dare?
Mk:Dare!I ain't a scaredy cat!
Mei:I dare you to lick your door knob.
Mk:Licked the door nob*If I get sick it's on you.Anyways Red truth or dare?
Mk:OooOo ok.I dare you toooooooo.......Do a hand stand!!!
R:Ok.*Red did a handstand,Red did acrobatics as a child*
R:Um Mei,Truth or dare?
R:what was the last thing you ate?
Mei:I ate some chicken and some rice and had boba!

They played for a bit and then it was Meis turn again

Mei:Mk truth or dare?
Mei:Is it true you have a crush on Red son?*she knew he had a crush and was trying to get them together but she didn't know that they already were*
Mk: Oh....Well....Mei I though you had already known because of the one time you walked in.....*He blushed*
Mei:oh yeah......Wait.....Are you two dating?!
Mei:Why didn't you tell me!?!
Mk:Um...I don't know..*He was red*
Well anyways truth or dare Mei.
Mk:I dare you to chug a water.
Mei:*She did the dare*Red.Truth or dare.
Red:Oh!Um dare.
Mei:hmm ok,I dare you to give Mk a kiss on the cheek!
Red:Ok*He blushed a bit but he got up went over to Mk and gave him a kiss on the cheek and Mk blushed*
Red:Ok,Noodle boy truth or dare?
Red:I dare you to........swap clothes with Mei.

They swapped clothes and continued to play like this,They played and Mei dared Mk to sit on Reds lap which he did,Mei ate a spoon full of hot sauce,Red son Had to eat an onion And more.They had fun.

Mei:*Yawn*welp on last one before we go to bed.
Mei:Hm,Red truth or dare?
Mei:I dare you to make out with Mk.
Red:Ok...*He blushed again*

Red son Turned Mk around,Mk was still sitting in his lap from a previous dare,And Red placed A hand on Mk face and Pulled him close,They were both blushing,Red son placed his lips on Mk and they made out for like 3 1/2 minutes.

Mei:Now where do I sleep?
Mk:Oh you can sleep on the mattress,Red can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch.
Red:*Gave Mk a glare and took him over to a Corner for a second*Mk!Don't remember our talk the other day!
Red:The one about you holding in a lot of feelings?
Mk:Oh,yeah.....what about it?
Red:You're doing it again,You're putting others before you,It's ok to do that sometimes but not all the time!
Mk:O-Oh..I'm sorry.
Red:Don't be sorry.....I'm just....I just want to help you,ok?
Red:*Kissed Mk*We can share the bed.

Everyone went and brushed Their teeth and Went to lay down Mk cuddled up to Red son and Red son felt warm so Mk was comfortable.Mei fell asleep and Red and Mk talked a bit and then dozed off.

Then next morning,Red had woken up first and went to make some coffee.Mk woke up and went to go hang out with Red,later mei woke up and they had sat down at the table after Red son had decided to make breakfast.Once red finished they eat,Cleaned up,got ready for work,and headed down stairs.
And had a a normal rest of the week.


Y'all I can't reply to peoples comments I can't get tit to sign in for that 😭😭

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