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It had been about a week now that Mk and Red son had started living with Sandy.Red son was finally healed from the stitches and now they didn't know what to do because they were bored.Mk however still went to go train with Swk,Red son had decided to start tagging along and watch,Red liked watching Mk do his training.Some times Swk would invite Red son to attempt to train with them but because Swk wasn't fully sure of Red sons ways and tactics with Fire he usually just let Red son sit and watch.

(During a break)

Mk:So how did I do?
Red:You did great.
Mk:Thank you!Can you hand me my water please?
Red:Hmmm i don't know can I?
Mk:Hmm yes.Yes you can.
Red:Fine here.*He held out the water bottle in front of him*
Mk:Thanks*he went to go grab it*

When Mk's hands gripped the water bottle Red son yanked it close to himself  making Mk also get close to him and Red son kissed him for a moment.

Mk:Ok,That was smooth.
Red:I know it was.
Swk:Hey lovebirds!Are you done yet?!

Mk took a big sip of his water and put it down and ran over to Swk.Red son continued to watch as they trained and Then decided to play around a bit with his fire.Red son made some faces of people he knew he even tried to recreate some memory's.Mk and Swk had caught sight of what Red doing and became very intrigued so they took another break and watched Red son mess around with the fire.
For about 8 minutes red son hadn't noticed that they were staring and watching but then he looked up and saw Mk staring at him and they blushed a bit.

Swk:How did you learn to do that?
R:Oh,Well a while ago I would spend most of my time trying to train myself and build things and I got really bored once and made a some flames but zoned out and thought back to a memory I had and when I zoned back in the flames were recreating the memory.
R:T-Thank you..*He said while blushing a little*
Swk:I do have to admit it is pretty cool.
R:Thank you as well.
Swk:Well y'know what,You guys have been here for quite a while,are you hungry?
Red:Yes I am a bit Hungry.
Swk:Ok then,Let's go inside and I can make y'all some food.

Everyone went inside and Red son was kinda mesmerized by the place and looked around.Mk followed behind Red just to make sure he didn't hurt himself around all the rigid rocks and weapons.After looking around a bit They went to go sit down and talk and Later Swk brought out some food(it wasn't his hair  ok😟) They ate and the food wasn't that bad but it wasn't the best.Swk asked Red son some questions and Red son answered them,Mk talked to Swk and overall it was a good dinner.It was late out once they finished,It was 10:56 and Mk didn't know if they should go back to Sandy's or stay here.It was about a 1 1/2 hour trip meaning they would be back around midnight.So Mk texted Sandy and Sandy said that was ok for them to stay there.Swk brought out some pillows and blankets for them to sleep on.And they started to set them up.

Swk:Hey Bud can you come help me with something real quick.
Mk:Um,Sure*He made a clone to help Red son finish setting up the blanket's*

Red son was zoned out trying to figure out which way the blanket should go and didn't realize Mk made a clone.Once Red son finished setting up that blanket he looked back up and was suddenly pushed down.
He was confused and a bit angry but then he saw Mk,or who he thought was Mk,He held Red son down by putting his hands on reds wrist and Red son went really red.

R:N-Noodle boy!!What are you doing?!?
Mk:.....*He started kissing Red*
R:Mhhh Hm!!!Noodle boy!!What about Monkey king!?
Mk:*Continued to Kiss on Red*
R:Noodle boy!?!
Mk:Yeah!!Sorry I was busy helping mo-
R:What...wait,Help me!!!

Mk got the clone off of Red son and got rid of it.

Mk:Are you ok?
R:Yeah,I didn't realize you left me with a clone....
Mk:Oh yeah,sorry I was helping Monkey king with something.
R:So.....Why did that clone do that to me.?!?!?
Mk:oh,Umm.....I don't know....*He started blushing*
Swk:It did that because it reflected Mk's feelings.*Swk said smirking*
R:What...*He went red again*
Mk:Shhh!He's lying!!!Don't believe him!!*He also went red*
Swk:No I'm not.Anyways,don't do anything bad,And NO MATING!!Good Night.
Mk+ red:Good night.*They said embarrassed*

Once Swk "walked away" (turned into a bug and spied on them) Red son grabbed Mk's hands and pulled him down to sit in front of Him,still holding his hands,Once Mk sat down Red son talked to him.

R:So,You've wanted to do that to me,huh?
Mk:*He didn't speak but he went super red*
R:It's ok,I have too..*He snickered after seeing Mk's face go even more red*
Red:I might have been wanting to as well noodle boy,I love you.
Mk:A-ah,I- I love you too.

Red son then Kissed Mk on the forehead and then laid down.Mk laid down next to Red still a blushing mess.Red son wrapped his arms around Mk and Mk still continued to blush but Mk wrapped his arms around Red too.And they both fell asleep.

In the morning after they woke up They got ready to Go.

R:Thank you for having us.
Swk:No problem.I don't mind much,I've always need more company.
Mk:Well we will getting going now Bye monkey king!!!
Swk:Bye bud.
R:Good bye.
Swk:Red son,I need to talk to you.

Swk pulled Red over away from Mk.

Swk:So,I can tell that you two are really close.And I know you've mated,I can smell it.
Red:I- um...*He blushed*
Swk:It's fine,for now.I just want you to know,IF,only if you decide you want Mk to be your life partner,Then I will accept that,I've seen the way you treat him,Thank you for being there for him.
R:Thank you..
Swk:I just want Mk to have a good life.So take care of him.
R:I will.
Swk:Well anyways take care.

Red son walked back over to Mk and Mk asked what happended but Red son said it was nothing.Mk then grabbed Redson by the waist and made him blush then used the staff to leave,Red son held on tight to Mk.While heading back The only though red son had were about what Swk said.

(Guys I might be foreshadowing 🤫)

Anyways I don't know why I made this :/
Am I going to regret it?probably.
Am I going to publish it?Yes.
Why?I don't know :)

Anyways have a great day/night bye!!!!!!

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