Tom #Imagine

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"Babe?" Tom called to you from downstairs. 

"Yeah?" you reply, shouting back. 

"Are you ready?" He asks. 

"I'm coming!" You laugh, running down the stairs at great speed. At the last step, you jump into his arms, his hands placed firmly on your waist, spinning you around. As he pulls you in closer, he starts to tickle you.  "TOM!" You attempt to shout at him, finding it difficult through fits of laughter. You grab his hands quickly, preventing him from tickling you further. You dodge back as his hands are set free. 

"I'll stop tickling you, if you kiss me?" He winks, cheekily. 

"And why would I want to kiss you Tom Parker?" You ask, winking back. 

"Maybe because you love me?" A cheesy grin appeared on his face and you simply couldn't resist. You slowly walked towards him, watching his eyes move to your lips. Your hands wrapped around his neck, locking in place. His warm breath tickled your neck, making you giggle. You pulled his face up towards yours, until your noses were touching. His lips grew hungry for yours, as you brought yours closer towards him. Teasing him. Just as your lips were about to connect, you pulled away. 

"Hmm, nah," you say, attempting to keep a straight face but instead you burst into a fit of giggles. 

"Oh, you're getting it!" As Tom said this, you ran through the house, out into the garden as he was chasing you. "Oi!" He shouts, laughing himself. Before you know it, 2 hands grab you by the waist and pull you in close. 

"Hey!" You shout. 

"I caught you, so I think I deserve that kiss now, don't you think?" But before you could reply, Tom's lips crashed against yours, sending the electricity through your veins. As he kissed you passionately, you fell in love with Tom Parker, all over again.

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