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No one can reighn their shadow to stop following them
-Laviette Shaw-


Buckingham Palace

I shivered stepping inside this huge dark room with little light and only a number of candles right beside Queen Victoria's throne.

Honestly, I was feeling cold earlier but I warmed myself in front of the fireplace.

My right leg kneeled down and I put my right hand in front of my left chest. I suppose I'm doing it correctly.

Mycroft was asked to leave us both and it became more and more awkward.

"Miss Y/N Draven, this is not a good first impression since the country is in such chaos"
Thank goodness Her Highness started the conversation first.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty" I answered while bowing down on one knee.

"First and foremost, I would like to thank you for cleaning up the mess around the illegal marketing on drugs and humans. I also want to apologize on the behalf of Mr. Holmes for talking so harshly at the masquerade " She explained.

I raised my head just to see her face waiting for my response.

"I accept and the reason why I cleared that mission was only for my mother" I smiled thinly.

"I see" she replied.

Silence was all there is. There's must be something else she wants to talk about.

"Pardon me, Your Majesty, I believe there is something you want to discuss?"

"Ah... Ever since the identity of "Lord of Crime" has been exposed, he killed more and more nobles and even Duke Glouchester himself who has higher security than the Buckingham Palace didn't slip through his fingers. I believe it is a message, a warning from the "Lord of Crime", for he really wants to destroy the system in our country. He can kill anyone, anytime, anywhere" She explained.

William... has started a war between the government and the citizens.

"If you insist..." I lowered down my voice, hoping she wouldn't want me ro catch William.

"No, of course not. I know your identity is stated also in the papers and sooner or later, the police might investigate you, or even the government will... Well, you know what I mean" She frowned her eyebrows.

"I know the consequences of what I did and I am ready to face anything that is going to happen to me" I said firmly.

Again, there was silence

"Alright now answer me this... Did you help him? The Lord of Crime?"

"I... helped using my own way" that is all I can say.

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