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No one can reighn their shadow to stop following them
-Laviette Shaw-

Y/n’s POV

Because of the ship incident, I was forced to rest, wasn’t able to perform any ballet. It made me sad but also happy at the same time. Ballet has been my bestfriend that always accompanied me wether i’m sad or happy.

“Is there a place for you to stay here Ms. Shaw?” Mr. William saw me with bandages all over my palm.

“Yes, there is one but it’s quite far from here” As I walk straight out of the ship’s exit.

“Please, stay with us for a while, or maybe rent a room” William suggested me.

“It’s fine, I’ll be staying at my own place. Thank you for your help during this trip” I smiled.

“No problem” William also answered with a smile.

That smile made me happy, the face went from cynical to sweet when he smiled. Then a man that is familiar to me went up to us.

“Yo! Mathematician! And Miss Shaw!”
He stopped behind me.

I smiled to him.

“I’ve been looking for you two. I need to talk about that show that was put on aboard that ship” the man grabbed a cigarette.

“You meant the murder?” I look straight into his eyes.

“Correct! It seemed like you’re condition is better” He saw me from head to toe.

“Well yeah, as you can see” I answered.

“That was no ordinary killing” Those words made Mr. William took off his hat.

“Are you saying that something about it was contrived?” He said as he puts his hat on his chest.

“Yeah, the body. The poor fellow died the night before. From his jaw, to his libs, post-morden rigiditly had set in right down to his fingertips. Which mean he’d been dead for 10-15 hours already, no matter how you look at it, he was not killed up on the stage” The man looked the ship again.

“Wow! You have knowledge of forensic pathology as well?” I smiled.

“It’s common knowledge around France, this country is just behind time” He looked at me.

“Any how, back to the point. This makes matters highly irregular” He continued.

He explained that there was a third party in that case, which made Earl Enders thinks that the man he killed was still alive that made him act the scene on stage. After a little chat, we now know that his name was Sherlock Holmes. A little bit shocking hearing his name but he is trully intelligent.

“I have to go back to my place to rest myself. Until we meet again, Mr. William, Mr. Holmes” I walk to the carriage that had been waiting for me.

“See you!” They both answered.


When I arrived at home, I went straight to bed and caught me thinking what Mr. Holmes said was somehow right.
This made me curious and now I want to know who’s the mastermind behind this murder scenario, especially when the target is a noble.

I stood up then sat down on my chair where I usually primp. On the table, there was a letter. I opened it and read it.

It’s that person.. the person who has been helping me hiding my true identity...
Why did he wanted to meet?

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