Chapter 13 - Research...REALLY!

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  • Dedicated to Sophie Smith

Chapter 13 - Crazy Research

When I got home, Cyrus was adamant I did absolutely nothing.

Dad was somewhere working I suspect, or seeing that skank who we have no idea about. Cy' was downstairs making me pancakes and I was led on my bed, those God forsaken crutches led lifelessly on the floor. Let me tell you this, crutches were crafted by the Devil and that is not an understatement believe me. The laptop was sat proudly on my lap, glowing brightly was the word GOOGLE. That beautiful search engine which we spend half our lives on typing in random things we need to know about.


I type the word in capitals into the search engine, looking at the suggested things on the drop down list - Demons never die, Demon lyrics, Demons souls etc. I press enter on DEMONS and there is about 88,600,000 results. This will be fun! Best get on with it.

It was about half hour later when Cyrus came into my room carrying a tray of pancakes, drizzled with syrup, sugar, lemon and topped with strawberries. I shut my computer and looked up at him smiling.

"What have you been looking at?" He asked,

"They look gorgeous Bro" I smiled,

"Trying to change the subject?"

"Oh, no, sorry, I was just doing some of my RS project"

"Hmmm", he moved my laptop and handed me the plate and cutlery.

"Thank you"

"Anything for you Sis'" he smiled, "I'm in my room doing essays and shit like that if you need me"

"Okay. I'll make sure to holler," he smiled and walked out. I flicked on the telly and ate my pancakes. NCIS was on, so I watched that and demolished the delicious plate of pancakes, which I thoroughly enjoyed. After NCIS, I turned the telly off and carefully reached over to put my plate on the floor and grab my laptop off the side.


Now where was I?


I must have fallen asleep. I looked at the time. I definitely fell asleep. My bed side clock flashed 8.30pm. Man, I slept for a while, why didn't Cyrus wake me up? I slid off the bed. Ow, forgot about my leg. I picked up my crutches and left my room gingerly. It was silent until I reached the stairs, where the shouting started.

"How could you be so bloody selfish?"

"I'm not selfish, it was a fresh start"

"Fresh start my flaming arse, you moved down here because of her. There is no other reason behind it and that is selfish. You drag Tammara down here away from her friends, away from her college and you tell me that's not being selfish. Mum had the bloody right idea getting away from you didn't she, I mean shit Dad"

"Cy' it's not like that..."

"No, because from where I'm standing it seems like that"

"Well it isn't and you aren't going to be around so it doesn't affect you Cyrus, so why don't you just piss off back to Uni and stop trying to stir shit around here, I'm the parent"

"And a shit one too, I'll go back up to Newcastle gladly, but I'll take my little sister with me"

"You will not"

"Oh, try me" I heard a door slam and then footsteps as Cyrus came into view, he looked at me, "Tam...shit", and I dropped to the floor, my crutches strewn half way across the landing,

"He's got a woman, that's why he made us move down here," I stuttered,

"You weren't meant to hear that Tam, I'm sorry"

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