Chapter 12 - The Truth, or half of it!

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  • Dedicated to Florence Emily Edwards

Sorry for the delay...

Enjoy it...



Next time I awoke I found my eyes adjusting to a white room; I had no clue where I was,

"Tammara," that was Cyrus's voice, what was he doing here? "Oh my God. I thought I lost you," he then came into my view,

"Cyrus" I said softly, tears were rolling down his cheeks,

"Doctor" he hollered, taking my hand, "She's awake"

"Cy'. What, what happened?"

But he didn't have time to answer me as the doctor came and began to check me over.


Visiting hours had long gone, but Cyrus hadn't moved from my side. He got home on Tuesday and they had a phone call to say I was in hospital. They both rushed in a panic to me and Cyrus has been with me ever since. Dad had gone off to work, since it was Thursday morning already.

Cy' had told me that this boy called Trent Sanchez had called home informing them that I had been involved in a car crash and I was in hospital. He said he and Dad drove straight to the hospital. He told me that there were 4 guys sat in the waiting room, he spoke to them and then they left.

The Sanchez's...

The Sanchez's...

Then it hit me as I remembered.



"How long am I going to have these crutches for?" I asked Cyrus. We were sat watching the television together in my private room,

"Not long hopefully," I sighed lying back. I'd crushed some bones in my left leg, hence the need for crutches. I needed stitches in my head and had a mild concussion; I'd bruised a few ribs and had a bit of non-serious internal bleeding and minor bruising. Nothing major really.

"You know I'm not going back to Uni until you're better"

"Cy' don't be an idiot, that could take weeks, you need to keep up with your work. I'll be fine"

"I'm not listening to you, since you were nearly raped, then you nearly died..."

"I just don't want you to..."

"You're my Baby sister, shut up and let me take care of you" I smiled, he kissed my forehead, "I'm going to get some food, I'll be back in a bit okay" I nodded, he then left.

About 5 minutes later the door opened, I thought it was Cyrus back already, but no, Trent and Brayden walked in. They looked at me, funny; I never saw the twin resemblance until now.

"We're so sorry, it was our fault" Trent said,

"We should have got to you sooner" Brayden said,

"No, what you should have done, was tell me you were flaming DEMONS," I snapped. They froze, "Yes, I know. Those Hunter guys you killed kind of gave the game away. So what the hell do you want with me?"

"That wasn't the reaction I was expecting" Brayden said, Trent smiled,

"Me neither"

"Did you hear me?" I said, "What do you want with me?"

"What do you know about demons?"

"Not much really" I replied honestly,

"We're not evil like everyone thinks"

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