19- Wasted Childhood

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I hold my phone steady in my hand, curled up in my bed waiting. Waiting for a certain name to pop up on my screen.

Last night Millie gave me her phone number. I can barely wait, typing messages in eagerly, but deleting them straight away.

Regardless how excited I am, there no way I'm texting first. Though my heart lingers for attention.

New Message from 'Millie <3'
[Morning Aiko, you up?]

I almost fall out of my bed, my hand slapped across my mouth.

Though my hand then shifts to my forehead, annoyed with myself. I should not be this excited.

Sent at 7:43am
[Yeah, I'm up]

'Millie <3' at 7:44am
[Open the door please, it's cold out here]

Dropping my phone on the bed I run over to the front door of my apartment.

No way..

The door opens with a slight creak, revealing Millie shivering on the other side.

We lock eye contact for a mere second before I pull her inside and out of the cold.

It's a very cold day today, since the winds been picking up lately.

"Millie how long have you been standing out there?!" I exclaim, worry longing throughout my voice.

"I doesn't matter I just wanted to see you," she confesses, her whole body shakes as she shivers. She looks absolutely freezing.

Grabbing her hand I almost flinch at the cold air escaping off it, interlocking our finger to provide her with some of my body warmth.

I pull her over to my room, closing the door behind us and turning on the heater.

She's never been in my room before.

Sitting on the side of my bed she comes and sits down next to me, placing her cold hand on my thigh.

"Hey! Your hands are freezing," I pout.

"But your so warm," she exclaims huddling closer.

"At least warm yourself up a little bit first," I state, throwing the blanket onto her head with a chuckle.

I watch as she wraps the blanket around her body, incasing herself in a bubble of cosy warmth.

She sighs leaning back on the bed so she's laying down. I observe as her hair flourishes unevenly underneath her head, her blue eyes set to stare up at the ceiling.

"Hey can I sleep here tonight?" She asks, turning her head to the side to face mine.

"I guess, why?"

"I got into a fight with my mum, we have a house down the coast as well as the one I'm staying in. Me and my sister decided to rent out that house together while my parents stay in the other. Though my mum wants us out and Akira's going to stay with Eri and now I have no where really to go until I find a house i like and want to buy," she explains.

I lean back in the bed and rest my head to the side on my bed frame.

"If you let me stay I'll pay all the rent," she offers.

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