6- Encounter

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'Dear my now not so secret admirer,

If I told you I was doing well I would be lying. I've had it rough ever since graduation and there isn't much I can do to make it better. I may or may not have ruined my life forever. But that's not the reason I'm writing back.

With only the slightest idea of who you are I can only think back to who I cherished in middle school. The moments I shared, thoughts I had and emotions I felt are all behind me. It doesn't quite matter anymore. All I know about you is we're opposites.

I'm happy for you. Living out your dreams and working hard to become what you've always wanted to be. For me I don't have many dreams, only few which only make my life feel a bit more depressing. Tell me, my now not so secret admirer.

Tell me something you've never told anyone else before.

Kind regards,
Aiko Kozume.'


Step breath, step breath

My feet quiver as an aching pain begins to grow in my stomach. The morning breeze glides through my hair as I come to a stop, leaning on a nearby post.

Why did I think it would be a good idea to go running this early in the morning?!

Dread looms over me as the realisation of my heavy and panting breathing hits me. I sigh, listening to the soft, comforting sound of a bird whistle.

Sounds like home.

I pace myself as I jog back up the street, pushing on the tips of my toes on each stride to gain more height. Rays of warm sunlight start to creep onto the footpath and I watch as the sky turn a slightly lighter shade of blue every second.

The white, fluffy clouds contrast the now bold blue sky and I smile. I've always loved clouds..there's just something about them. Maybe it's because they stand out, showing their true colours. Or maybe it's how unrealistic they can look, like something out of a movie or a fairy tail.

How the white differs in shades and their shape changes, moving slowly with the wind like a gentle current in a river.

My stamina decreases by the second and I pay every time I go to cross the road I have to stop and wait for a car to pass.

I slow my pace to stop at an intersection as cars are blocking my path. A blue car shines in the evening sun before me and I find myself unconsciously gazing into the window.

In the car sits a girl. She's a brunette, her hair shimmering a golden array of colour in the beaming of sunlight leading through her car window. Her crystal blue eyes lock with mine, complementing the freckles scattered across her skin.

I feel my face flush a tinge of red.

She's so pretty

Wait what? When did I start thinking such cliche things like that...

But as fast as she arrived she left, driving off in her shiny blue car.

Jogging up a few more streets, I open the tall, wooden door to my apartment with a sigh as i walk down the hallway, grab a towel from my room and head to the bathroom.

The lights appears dim as i scan the small room, large white tiles scattering the floor with white walls, a toilet in the left corner and a shower on the right.

My eyes lay fixed on my own, through the mirror, the deep brown font sparkling in the reflection from the window above. My brown eyes only slightly contrast against my hair, very different to Millie's.

I fix my messy black hair to a bun as i step into the shower, the hot water trickling down my back, steam fogging the shower door and mirror.

My mind scatters with thoughts as the now warm water burns my back as it runs down it. I splash it over my face and stare to the shower door. Through my thinking I've drawn little flowers. It calms me.

I trace my finger through the fog creating a heart in the center of the door with the letter A on the left and I on the right.

Aiko <3 Millie

After starring at my little masterpiece for just a few seconds I splash the water over it, covering some flowers too and wipe it off with my hand for good measure.

No I can't. I haven't seen her in years.

But I have to find her.
Hope you enjoyed <3

Word Count: 763


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