5- Love Letters

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The gun feels cold and foreign in my hand. With a simple pull of a finger the trigger goes off, sending a bullet sharp out the top.

I almost gag as the smell of blood filles my senses. The alleyway is dark and frightening, even I would never come here at night. An eerie feeling almost consumes me.

The cold breeze blows through my hair and an empty feeling arises in my stomach.

I look to the sky, ignoring the frightened screams behind me. A blueish black aura shines through like an array, the stars lighting up the sky.

I love it when the stars make me feel irrelevant.

A shiver rolls down my spine as I tuck my gun back into my belt and start to walk back home.

My footsteps bring me an usual sense of serotonin. Each step causes an echo as I stroll out the alleyway and up the footpath, like it's just an average Friday afternoon.

Because for me, it is.

Walking up to my apartment building I find two letters situated in my mailbox.

The first one is a tax invoice. I grew up in a poor family which meant we only just had enough money to pay rent. Unfortunately, since my mothers pass, I've had to make it myself.

I remember back to last year, the last time I saw Millie. I know exactly what I would tell her if I saw her here right now.

Something I've never told anyone before.

I have to kill people to make a living. The loss of others is what keeps me going. A sacrifice for the life of another.

Without robbing others and stealing their possessions I can't survive because I have nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I have nothing to lose.

I stuff the letter into my back pocket with a sigh before taking out the other. Walking up to my apartment room I unlock it with a click and stroll in, making myself comfortable on my small grey couch.

The letter is anonymous. I'm not aware of who it's from. Hesitantly I unfold the paper. In a black ink it reads;

'Dear Aiko,

How have you been? It's been almost 3 years since I've seen you last. Since we both talked and graduated. I know your probably wondering, 'do I know you?'

Well I'm not too sure if you remember me at all. But oh do I remember you. Ever since that day I can't get you off my mind. It's like you're stuck, glued to me. I don't know why but what can I even do about it? I can't stop thinking about you.

About me: I've started my training in the police course. For as long as I could remember I've wanted to take part in this, but have never got the chance. Well, except for a few months ago. I really hope things are going well for you too.

What have you been up to, Aiko Kozume?

Lots of love,
Your now not so secret admirer'

I unravel the paper more as I read through it again, carefully tracing through every letter in my mind.

I may have an idea of who this could be.
Hope you enjoyed <3

Word Count: 540


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