9- We've Met Before

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"That is so romantic," Eri comments and a smile engulfs my face, "Writing each other love letters, kissing in the rain. Aiko thats like something out of a movie!" She exclaims.

"I know right!" I giggle, "It was so in the moment too, I can't wait to see her again."

"Wow all that and you didn't even get her number. How smooth."

"Hey! Better than you could do! I got a kiss in a the rain what did you get? Nothing." I protest.

"Oh whatever," she starts, nudging me in the arm, "You really like this girl, huh?"

I pause for a second, taking in what she's said. Chatter surrounds me as I lean back against my chair. The fresh smell of coffee making me scrunch up my face.

Extensive windows cover the walls, giving a display of the range of flowers, trees, bushes and more greenery awaiting. Birds fly through the baby blue sky. The first time it hasn't rained all week.

Fake vine plants hang over some shelves on the wall, adding an aesthetic feeling to the coffee shop i sit in.

"Yeah, I really like her."

"Damn how cute, you got a whole love story going on," she squeals in excitement, "We need to do this every time you see her I want details! I'm rooting for you guys."

"Yeah yeah, sure," I give in.

"Are you going to tell her about...you know what," she starts and I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"You know, our little hobby?"


The though didn't even cross my mind until now. How do I even tell her?!

'Oh hey Millie did you know I kill people for a living.' You know how bad that sounds?!

"How am I even supposed to tell her?" I sigh, "Maybe I should just let her find out on her own, you know? Like she'll find out eventually."

"Yeah I'm not too sure about that one girl," Eri states, "You said she's in the police force right?"

"Maybe your right. I'll tell her when the times right," I explain.

"Alright, good luck with that. Don't forget we're still on tonight."


I find myself once leaning against the same wall in my favourite alleyway. My head tilts back and I gaze to the stars above, twinkling in all their glory.

I love watching the stars.

Though the unsettling feeling has made itself comfortable in my stomach. The loud, echoing sound of a gunshot suddenly rings in my ears, making me jump.

My eyes widen as I'm confronted with the sound of sirens, red and blue lights trickling through the darkness.

Oh shit.

Footsteps race towards me and I swiftly pull my hood from my black hoodie over my head, lifting up my mask to cover the bottom half of my face. Flinging my gun out of my back pocket I race behind a corner, hoping no one will see me.

I can feel my heart thumping in my chest, anxiety driving my crazy. Every close sound makes my eyes widen in fear and I take slow, deep breathes to maintain my composure.

What am I doing?

"Aiko!" I hear a familiar voice yell, echoing through the passage. I turn the corner dodging and weaving through any people, keeping an eye out for the police.

The sight before me makes my heart drop. Eri lays up against the wall, slight blood dripping down her forehead. A police officer stands before her, gun pointed to her head.

"Hey!" I scream, desperate to revive this scenario. The officers eyes turn to mine and I see them start to walk towards me. Their gun folds back into their belt and I see a slight smile position on Eri's face. Slight relief.

As the officer walks further forward I walk further backwards, seeing Eri run off to get help. Their dressed head to toe in a blue uniform, a belt wrapped around their waist and pockets throughout the outfit. A signature police hat lays rested on their head with a black mask similar to mine positioned on their face.

With another step backwards I feel my back press onto the wall behind me, realising I have no where to go. I'm cornered in a dead end.

"H-hey stay back!" I exclaim but they only step closer until our faces our only inches apart. My eyes widen in fear, feeling a gentle hand move to my hip.

"Don't touch me!" I protest, watching their every move.

With a swift movement my mask falls to the floor, my hood following the same movement though resting behind my head. My face is plastered with concern and worry.

This is the end. This is it.

Another mask falls to the floor, long brown hair falling down her back. Taking off her hat she places it on my head and moves her head even closer to mine. Blue eyes look deep into mine, like no secrets can be kept. Everything right now rests solemnly in my thoughts.

"Seems we've meet before, Aiko Kozume."
Hope you enjoyed <3

Word Count: 849


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