11- Milkshakes

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The sun beams through the curtain blinds and I shift positions, tiredness still seeping through me.

"Morning sleepyhead," Millie says and my eyes almost immediately shoot open.

I lay clenching onto her shirt our bodies facing each other, my head is buried underneath hers and she rests it on top of mine. Kicking the bed sheets to distance myself I fall off the bed with a thump, my head banging onto the ground below.

"Agh, ow."

Millie's voice is low and deep sending a shiver down my spine and butterflies in my stomach, though I try to contain my expression.

I don't want her to know how much her voice affects me.

Resting my shoulders I realise how tense I am, letting out the breath I've been holding in for god knows how long.

"Are you alright?"

Without answering I slouch back down to the floor, rolling into a ball and covering my face with the pillow I took down with me.

The butterflies loom in my stomach and I clench onto the pillow like my life depends on it. My face feels like it's on fire.

Am I really gay panicking right now?!

The oxygen enters and leaves my lungs in an inhuman speed, trying and failing to calm myself down. Though it's not too long before the pillow is lifted away from my face and thrown across the room.

Millie rests her hand gently on my cheek, caressing it and staring deep into my eyes.

I can't believe I just sleep next to this women.

"Your burning up," she states, shifting her hand to my forehead, only increasing the blush flourishing across my face.

"Are you feeling sick?" She remarks with a smirk like she knows exactly how I'm feeling.

I feel myself gulp, lifting a hand against the side of my nose and under my eye to try and contain the blushing.

"No, well...I-" I stutter, my vocabulary decreasing by the second. My mouth locks closed, resorting to just staring up at her.

I feel so vulnerable right now.

Suddenly, she starts to laugh. A wave of confusion rushes through me but is soon replaced with relief. I let out a chuckle to accomodate her laughter, feeling the nervous butterflies in my stomach start to fade.

"Hey," she starts, "Do you want to head to the park down the road?"


Trees bludge out of the ground, standing tall over the both of us as we sit. A large field of grass stands before us, dogs racing across as their owner stand and talk.

I see a stand not to far away selling milkshakes, which captures my attention.

"Oh my god, Millie," I exclaim and she lifts her hand on top of mine, giving me her full attention.

My words are interrupted by my thoughts as I stare at her hand on mine then back at her face. I see her smirk and take only a second to calm down before I continue what I was saying.

"Let's get milkshakes?"

I watch as she smiles, the one small action bringing me way more joy then it should have.

"Come on," she states, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me out of my seat, dragging me to the stand. Sometimes feelings are overwhelming and that's happening to me right now.

Excitement beams through me and I start to giggle, running over like a little kid at a candy shop.

"Eek!" I squeal, "Should I get vanilla? Or bubblegum? Ooo, maybe strawberry!"

"Ew, not strawberry," she comments and I look to her, mid dramatic gasp.

"What do you mean ew?!"

"I don't like strawberry milkshakes!"

"How could you. That's a crime," I state before deciding on my drink.

I get a vanilla milkshake while Millie gets cookies and cream. Taking a sip of mine the delicious flavours melt on my tongue. The overpowering taste of vanilla evens out when added with milk, creating the perfect shake.

"You got cookies and cream?" I question, with a smile across my face.

"Oi, don't make fun of my cookies and cream!" She states, matching my smile.

"Last time I had that I felt sick."

I feel a hand touch mine, soaking up the coldness of my cup. Millie grabs mine, along with my hand and pulls it to her face. I watch as she takes a small sip of my drink. Why am I not mad.

"Wow, that's actually really good," she comments and a smirk plasters my face.

"I know. It's because I'm always right," I remark and she smiles, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah sure."

I take a small sip of hers. It tastes overly milky and dissatisfying, making me scrunch up my face in disgust.

"Really?!" She exclaims.

"I don't like it," I chuckle and she nods her head side to side in disappointment before letting out a laugh.

"We should do this more often," she states.

"Do what? Get milkshakes?"

"Go on dates," she comments and I can already feel the blush saturating my face.

"Is this your idea of a date? Sharing drinks?" I question with a smirk.

I notice she pauses for a few seconds.

"Actually, yeah."
Hope you enjoyed <3
Somehow I went totally off plan to what I planned to be writing about today. Went from angst to a date. I'm not complaining.

Word Count: 891


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