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chapter nine:

"She isn't a fucking toy that you can just toss around when you just feel like it, Jasp!" Bryan shouted at him at the park and he obviously didn't give two damns about the people who were there.

"Look, Bryan... it's not like that."

"Really? Enlighten me then, Jasper Heath." He gave Jasper a cold hard stare, almost ready to strangle him.

"It was a silly bet. And you knew how stiff she was in high school back then!" Jasper exclaimed and ruffled his hair in annoyance.

"Stiff? You don't even fucking know half the things she went through at that time!"

"I admit that I'm in the wrong here but please just... don't tell her any of this."

"That picnic date... did you tell Jared about it? Did you finally win ten quid? Do you feel glorious about winning the fucking bet, you absolute fucker!" Bryan shouted at the top of his lungs. He would do anything to protect Carmen from his so-called best friend. Yes, he knew that Jasper always had a knack of following the wrong bunch of people and swayed a little too far from that good boy trait, but boy, Bryan did not know that this was coming. He did not know that Jasper would stoop this low.

"Listen to me!" Jasper grabbed ahold of Bryan's shoulders. "It was for fifty quid and I'm not proud of what I've done, okay? I was stupid and dumb and absolutely wasted back then!"

"Oh. So you did tell Jared about your recent date with Miss Stiff, aye?" Bryan glared at him, holding back each and every bone of his body from launching himself at Jasper, punching the guts out of him.

"I... did. I'm sorry, okay?"

"You stay the fuck away from Carmen. You hear me? You stay the fuck away!" Bryan warned Jasper and pushed him against the tree. "Sorry doesn't even begin to fucking fix the damage you have done."

"Bryan! Can you please just be sensible about this? Why are you being such an asshole!"

"Why? She was my best friend when you weren't. She was there when you decided that Jared was a better friend. Carmen was there for me when my parents got a divorce, while you were drunk off your ass at God knows where!" Bryan said and got louder and louder after each sentence. "She was there when I was in the deepest darkest pit of my life and you weren't, Jasper! So don't tell me that I'm overreacting because I'm not."

"Oh, now you wanna dig up the old past? I thought we were way past that, Bryan."

"Jasper, you don't ever try to fucking turn this into my fault. When I was on that ledge, ready to take my life because of all the bullying I got, you weren't there! I called you to confide in you and you told me these exact words and I quote, 'Go ahead, faggot!'. So, no, I will never be able to go past that. Don't you ever dare take a step close to Carmen!"

"I told you I was sorry to have said that, okay?" Jasper tightened his grip on Bryan's shoulder. He could see how furious Bryan was but he wished Bryan would just let it go.

"If only a simple sorry could fix things and heal damages, the world would be so much simpler. Sadly, Jasper, it's just plain meaningless."

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