PART 30: Exposure

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"You really need to stop telling me to meet you in dark places."

Felix turned around. There was one more event before it was time for him and his mother to pack their bags. That meant one more chance for payback. 

And most of all, it meant one more chance to meet Lila.

"You need to stop agreeing to meet me in dark places," he replied. He'd needed to sneak past reporters just to get to stairs that led to the hotel's basement. No doubt Lila had done the same. It could have been a better meeting place, but he wasn't looking for something pretty. As long as he ignored the groaning of the air conditioning and the flickering lights, things were perfectly fine.

Lila looked him up and down, and he noticed her stiffle a laugh.

"What is it?" he asked, feigning offense.

She gave him a teasing smile. "Nothing," she said. "You clean up nice, that's all."

Once again, the girl surprised him. How could she say such a thing when when she was the one who looked nice? Her black dress had a slit that went up to her thigh, and her matching  heels were the reason they were at eye level with each other. He remembered the gloves she was wearing‐-they were the same ones she'd worn the night of their first‐--and probably last--dance. Her auburn hair was tied out of her face, but still rested loosely on her shoulders. Now that he had this view of her, he had no idea how he'd gone so long without calling her pretty.

"It's not that different from what I usually wear," he said once he'd recollected himself. The dress code was black tie, and it was the one time he was good at following the rules.

"Can't you just accept the fact that you look nice in a tie," Lila said with a roll of her eyes. She looked him over again. "Well, when it's properly tied, that is."

She stepped forward to fix his tie, and he prayed that she couldn't hear his heart racing. Lila had her eyes focused on the tie, and her hands moved delicately to secure the knot. Such a simple task, yet the fact that it was her made it all the more endearing. He still couldn't comprehend how his feelings for her had changed. One minute, he hated her guts. The next, he was thinking of pressing his lips against hers.

However, it was a change that he welcomed.

When he looked more presentable, Lila stepped back and began running her hands through her hair.


Her voice brought him back to the present. He expected her to scold him, but instead, the corner of her lip turned up. "Help me with my dress, will you?" She moved her hair to reveal the half-closed zipper of her dress. It seemed she'd stopped when she couldn't reach any more. He pulled the zipper up, resisting the urge to run his fingers along her back.

"You're zoning out, Vanily," she said.


She turned to face him. Her eyes glanced between his eyes and his lips, making a decision. "May I?" she asked. He nodded.

Before he could even fully process what had been asked, Lila kissed him. It was slow, and long, and perfect. It calmed him down and made him more nervous at the same time, just like she did.

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