PART 34: Time Isn't Nice

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Lila's life was calm. And that scared her just a little.

After her interaction with Kira a couple of days before, she half expected for everything to come crumbling down any second. It wasn't until that morning that she realized she was just feeding into Kira's warning.


She paused, then started over.

If something bad happens, she thought, then I'll handle it. Until then, I'm not gonna think about it.

She dragged herself to school, repeating this mantra over and over until it was engraved in her brain.

She stopped in her tracks. Her locker was being blocked by Marinette, who had just finished a conversation with Alya and was now typing something on her phone.

Lila sighed. She had the rest of her life to be a bitch. Might as well take the day off.

Keeping her expression blank, she walked towards the locker. "Excuse me," she said. No hidden motives, no malice. Nothing.

The blue-haired girl looked up. Confusion was written all over her face. "What did you just say?"

"What would you prefer? Move out of my way or else? Just do me a favor and let me get to my locker."

The confusion didn't leave. Hesitantly, Marinette backed away. "You've been acting weird lately."

"No, I haven't," Lila said bluntly. "I just figured out where my priorities lie. And I suggest you do the same, Marinette."

After shooting her a glare, Marinette left without another word, leaving Lila to wonder if maybe she should have said something else. It wasn't like Marinette was the worst of humanity--she just didn't know what to do with her love. Lila could judge all she wanted, but she knew that she had no right to discuss the other girl's morality.

School couldn't be over soon enough. As the end of the day approached, she jumped in her seat when she saw the clock. It was almost time. Her knee bounced until the end of her last period. Time wouldn't wait for her. As soon as the bell rang and her feet touched the ground, she was taking off at a sprint.

She got to the subway at record time, trying to catch her breath as it took off and headed for the train station. When it came to a stop, she was right back to running. She dashed through the station, avoiding families and couples and one too many duffel bags. And all for a bit of hope.

She froze when she saw him.

He was biting his lip again, a habit he still hadn't seemed to shake off.

His eyes glanced behind him. When he noticed her, he turned around faster than she could blink. His bags dropped to the floor. If he noticed, he didn't care.

It wasn't like a romance movie where she ran into his arms and sobbed. She opened her mouth, then closed it again. Every sentence seemed like the wrong one. One that wouldn't say everything she wanted to say.

The train left in just a few minutes. So why was she tempted to hold him there?

She slowly stepped towards him, as if running would make him go away faster.

Before Felix could utter a word, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. He laughed under his breath and hugged her around her waist.

"If I miss the train, it's your fault," he whispered.

"Shut it, Vanily."

"Aw, Rossi. You haven't lost your touch." He held her there for a moment before speaking again. "I'll try not to miss you too much."

Lila loosened her hold on his neck so she could lock eyes with him. "Oh, you're not going to be good at that," she laughed.

"I know," he said, his voice soft. "Really, I know."

She glanced to the side and realized that Amelie was watching them.

Felix didn't make a move to separate them, so neither did she. Amelie had a look on her face, almost like acceptance. It was an acceptance that Lila trusted.

When they did move apart--only by a few inches--Amelie moved so that she was standing by Lila and took her hands. "It was an honor to meet you, Lila. Your mother and I will be in touch."

"Thank you, Amelie." Lila hesitated before asking, "Will you be okay?"

Felix's mother seemed surprised at the question, like it was one she wasn't used to being asked. "I'm perfectly fine," she finally said. "Some things don't work out the way you want, but you have to accommodate. Whether you like it or not."

Lila didn't know what to say, so she just nodded. Still, she hoped Amelie knew she wished her nothing but happiness.

Felix met her eyes again. To her dismay, she was still at a loss for words.

"I know you hate Paris and all who inhabit it, but..."

Felix gave her a small smile. "We'll probably have to lie low for a while." He gently took her hands and pulled her closer. "I suppose I can figure out how to come back someday."

She held her breath and closed her eyes, waiting for the touch of his lips against hers. When she didn't feel anything, she opened her eyes to see not only a stupid grin on his face, but the bracelet that had previously been on her wrist.

"And when I do," he continued, "I'll give this back to you."

Her shock only lasted for a few moments, quickly turning into a playful scowl. "This is why I hated you before," she reminded him.

"Yep. But it's why you love me now."

Lila scoffed under her breath. "You are so annoying."

"And you are so endearing."

An announcement echoed from the speakers, bringing their attention away from each other for just a second. "Last call for the train to London! Last call for the train to London!"

Felix's grin dropped. "I gotta go."

"I know." Lila glanced at the bracelet in his hand. "You better give that back."

"I will."

"You promise?"

He moved her hair out of her face, softly and briefly brushing a hand against her cheek. "I can't lie to you," he said.

And this time, she fully believed him.

He hauled his bags and stepped onto the train. The clock didn't slow down. Time still wouldn't spare either of them.

Just as he turned around for one last look, the door closed, and she stood, motionless, as the train left and took her secrets with it. All of a sudden it was as if everyone had left and she was the only person still there.

That happened. That really happened. Lila wasn't exactly sure what she was talking about, but she was surprised to realize this now.

The show was over, and it was time for the curtain to close. As the train sped down the tracks and out of the city, she realized that the twisted part of her brain wouldn't mind another performance. Not if it meant another moment with him.

She smiled to herself and turned to leave, fidgeting with her other bracelet on the way.


End ♡

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