PART 21: A Moment

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After some wandering, Lila finally found the space where she thought no one would find her. The sign next to the door in front of her had a picture of stairs on it. She assumed it to be the stairs to the roof. She opened the door and closed it behind her.

It was cold and dimly lit, but she couldn't have cared less. Trying to catch her breath, she leaned against the door.

The contents of her previous meals threatened to rise in her throat, but she wouldn't let them. No way in hell would she let something as small as a kiss affect her like this.

It wasn't just a kiss, she thought, accidentally facing her feelings. If it was just a kiss, I wouldn't be here right now.


The voice caught her off guard. The moment she recognized it, she felt a wave of rage like she'd never experienced before. Keeping her voice as controlled as possible, she said to the door,

"Go away, Felix."

"What's wrong with you? Did something happen?" he asked, ignoring her.

"Nothing," she said sharply, even though the lump burning in her throat said otherwise. "I just...I just need a second."

It was quiet for a moment. Just when she thought he'd finally listened to her, she heard his voice again.

"Lila, open the door. "

"For crying out loud, what part of go away do you not understand?" she snapped. Her voice broke at the end of her sentence, and she wanted to slap herself for it. Here she was, hiding. It was pathetic. She was pathetic.

The door clicked. Lila didn't look up, but she heard the door softly close and felt someone's presence in front of her.

"You moron," she said quietly. "I told you to go away."

"I'm not gonna leave you alone," Felix said back.

Get out, she screamed in her head. Avoiding his gaze, she spoke without hesitation. "Stop acting like you care."

"And what if I'm not acting?"

The response came so quickly that she wasn't sure she had heard him correctly. She lifted her head up and stared at him, eyes wide. "What did you just say?"

He simply shook his head. "Never mind. Just tell me what happened."

As Lila blinked away her tears, she found that she couldn't tell him. Not then anyway. She opened her mouth to speak but realized she couldn't even finish a word without her voice trembling.

"Breathe," Felix told her.

She did just that. In and out, slowly matching the beat of his heart.

He's not with Kira, she pleaded in her head. Please, please tell me he's not with Kira. Please tell me I haven't been so fucking stupid this whole time.

"I'm sorry I ignored you," he said, stepping towards the door. "I'll go and--"

"Don't." Without thinking, she grabbed him by the sleeve. "Stay. I...I want you to stay."

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