PART 8: Ties That Bind

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cw: mention of blood
《towards the end》

A deal made. Lila could ruin him, and he knew deep down that he could do the same to her anytime he wanted. Still, Felix could tell just by her tone of voice that she wasn't bluffing. He made a mental note to be cautious of her.

So, what then?

He stared at the view from the window, looking out at the city he'd grown to hate. He didn't want to hate it. It was Paris, after all. But the memories he associated with it didn't seem like they were going away anytime soon. In fact, the longer he stayed, the harder they were to ignore.

It doesn't matter, he kept telling himself. By the time you have to leave, none of this will even matter.

He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't even notice the sound of footsteps coming from behind him.

"Guess who it is!"

Felix rolled his eyes. "Give me a second," he said, his voice laced with annoyance. Whoever it was could wait.

The voice scoffed. "I'd tell you how many seconds I've already given you, but I'm not really in the mood to do the math right now."

He froze in place, familiarity jolting through his body. The person's voice had struck a nerve. An old, familiar nerve.

There was a light chuckle and the voice spoke up again. "I knew that would get your attention."

He whipped his head around, only to see that the person at the door was someone he'd least expected it to be.

A girl his age leaned against the doorway, giving him a teasing grin.
Wavy hair so dark it was almost black, warm brown eyes, and an innocent smile. A denim jacket over a simple black dress. Her fair skin glowed in the light that illuminated from the window.

To anyone else, she looked like someone who had just stepped out of a romantic novel. But Felix wasn't anyone else. Not when she was involved, anyway.

Before he could say a word, his mom appeared in the doorway. "Felix? Who are you--" When Amelie realized Felix wasn't alone, her eyes lit up. "Kira!" she exclaimed. Without wasting another second, Amelie wrapped her arms around the girl's small frame. "Oh, it's been so long," she said excitedly.

Felix couldn't even say anything. His annoyance turned into pure shock and he didn't what to think. His mother seemed to be the exact opposite--this surprise visit lifted her mood almost instantly.

Kira laughed, even though Amelie seemed to be hugging the life out of her. Still, she managed to hug her back. "It's great to see you again, Ms. Graham."

"Please, call me Amelie." Amelie let go and patted Kira on the shoulder. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have so many things to do. Let's try to catch up soon, alright?" She quickly turned to Felix before she left. "Be nice. And watch your mouth." She said that jokingly, but anyone who knew Felix's mom well enough knew that there was almost always a threat in the back of her voice. With a dainty little wave, she was gone once again.

That left them alone.

As soon as his mom was out of earshot, Felix spoke up. "Where the hell did you come from? Were the wonders of Italy too exhausting for you?"

"Oh, Felix. You'd be so much cuter if you held back on the sarcasm." Kira took his hands and placed a quick, airy kiss on both of his cheeks.
"But then again. Not talking at all is quite cute as well."

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