PART 23: Burnt Roses

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Technically, he was supposed to turn the flash off.

Felix usually thrived under pressure, but unfortunately, not this time. When the flash went off, he felt his stomach sink. It was only a second before he was dashing down the stairs. It was a second more before he heard the angry clicking of a pair of heels, following him.

There wasn't time to get back downstairs. He turned a corner, moving blindly.

It was a winding corridor with pillars and framed posters on the sides. One of the theater's most famous aspects, yet he'd somehow managed to forget about it. If there was a light switch anywhere, he had no time to find it. The window behind him was the only decent source of light, and the moon didn't seem to like him that much.

Kira's voice echoed off the walls, sharp and unforgiving.

"You know, I thought I underestimated you two," she said. "I do have to hand it to you though. You really thought you could get away with something like that."

Felix kept his mouth shut. He slowed his sprint to a brisk walk, stepping lightly.

Behind him, something slammed against the wall. Something else crashed onto the floor. He didn't dare turn to look--the sounds were enough warning.

"Unfriendly reminder that I just shoved your little girlfriend off a building," she yelled. "You might wanna make sure she's okay, but that's just my opinion."

The image resurfaced before Felix could stop it.

He'd seen Lila inching closer and closer towards the edge, until the final shove was all she needed. He'd heard the scream that escaped her throat. He didn't even know she could make a sound like that until then.

How much could he trust her to take care of herself? How long did he have to stick to the plan until things went too far?

The sound of Kira's heels got louder.

"Those balconies don't really do much. I mean, she isn't gonna die or anything. But a fall from that height is gonna hurt like hell..."

He bit his lip, still saying nothing. Just a little longer. That was all he needed to last. Just a little longer, and he wouldn't have to be silent.

"Remember that little rose you gave her?" Kira asked, piercing through his thoughts. "It's burnt to a crisp. I'm not afraid to do the same to every other damn thing in this room."

He could hear the smile in her voice. It was even more taunting than he remembered. Carefully, he peeked around the corner.

In the midst of the darkness was a tiny, sparkling flame.

"I know you're listening! Step out and delete the photo. You don't really have another option here."

His silence was getting to her, and--despite his situation--he was enjoying every minute.

"I promise you, Felix. Burning roses don't smell that great."

"I know," he sniped back. "What do you think I did to all the ones you gave me?"

He stepped out, holding up his phone.
"You mentioned that you and Lila didn't have any differences. You were wrong about that," he said. "The difference between you and Lila, is that Lila has lines she doesn't cross." 

Before Kira could say a word, a voice boomed down the hall, freezing both of them in place.

"Kira Blanchet, put out that flame."

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