PART 19: Forget

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"You're full name is Lilianna?"

Lila glared at him out of the corner of her eye. "It's not funny," she mumbled.

"It's hilarious."

"This is exactly why I regret telling you," she said as they approached the resort's west entrance. "It's why I never told you in the first place!" She crossed her arms over her chest, still refusing to look him in the eye. "I hate that name. It sounds too...I don't know...elegant. Confining."

Felix took a breath, trying to keep himself from letting out a snicker. "You can be elegant," he told her.

"I can be, but I'm not," she said back. "There's something about Lilianna that just doesn't sound like me."

"And Lila does?"

"Yep. Names are a big deal. Don't forget that."

When they reached the door, she turned to him.

"Oh, right. My mom wants to talk to me." When Felix asked about what, Lila simply shrugged. "No clue," she said. "I just hope it doesn't take long. I don't know what she's up to these days, but--as rude as it sounds--it doesn't matter to me right now."

She gave him her "I'll see you later" smile, and walked inside before he had the chance to respond.

He didn't head inside just yet. There was something, whatever it was, that made him curious.

His feet took him to the other side of the building. When he looked up, right above him was the window that he and Lila had seen that night. The night that brought them to this situation in the first place. It was still broken, as if large, jagged shapes had been taken out of it.
If he looked up at a certain angle, he could see the caution tape that still blocked the hallway.

Dammit. What am I doing here?

He was asking to get in trouble, especially with how much he found himself criticizing Lila for her curiosity.

He took a step, recognized the sound of glass crushing, and stopped. When he looked down, there were clear shards littered in a small patch of grass. The window hadn't yet been replaced, but he figured the fragments would have been cleaned up at least.

He sighed as he headed through the entrance door, and was hit with a rush of resort air conditioning. Trying to calm the whirlwind that was his thought process was all he could do then. Since Lila wasn't in his sightline, he didn't have anything to deal with.

In the back of his mind, he considered looking for his mother. Ever since that disaster of a family meal, he'd been trying to avoid her as much as possible. Maybe it would be better if he faced his problem head-on, just this once. Even after the Lily, he'd still be stuck with the rest of his family for some time. Might as well get used to it.

Felix walked into the suite to find the room empty. Before he could wonder where Amelie was, there was a quick tap at the door.

"The door is open," he said loudly.

Behind him, the door opened, closed, and locked.

"It's about time," a voice that wasn't his mother's said.

When he turned around, he met Kira Blanchet's dark eyes. There was anger behind them, but she kept it as controlled as possible. "Where have you been?" she asked.

He knew it wouldn't be any use to tell her to get out. All he could do was talk until she decided to leave. "Don't act like you don't know," he said trying to hide anything that would tell her he was nervous.

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