Missed Calls

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Things had been going on smoothly for the new couple. Kit and Sarawat were really supportive of their relationship and Mew loved spending time with Wayo and Pha since they all ganged up on Gulf and annoyed him. College felt normal again with no bullying and rumors. People were kinda afraid of him now since they learnt what had happened to Lewis and his friends. Mew didn't really care, he had Off and that was enough. It was time for their annual fest and Mew was roped in performing a duet dance by his juniors.

His dance partner was Kale, a guy he had never met before. He had heard of him a bit though. He was Campus Moon in the freshman year and people loved him immensely. Mew felt insecure dancing alongside someone this good because he had seen him dance in the audition and boy was he great. His movements were fluid and graceful, he looked really beautiful while dancing. Though Mew was a decent dancer but compared to Kale he was just a beginner. He had thought Kale would object to being his partner but surprisingly he didn't have any problem.

Soon enough he got busy with classes and rehearsals so he had less time to spend with Gulf and that's how he forgot about their one month anniversary. In the beginning of their relationship Mew had said that he wanted to celebrate every month and Gulf had readily agreed. Mew had grown closer to Kale since the guy was really funny and smart, they had a lot in common.

"Mew, why don't we check out that new book cafe?" Kale asked.

"I had been thinking about going there for weeks."

"Then let's go after rehearsal."


That's how they ended up spending 3 hours there and Mew completely forgot about Gulf. Gulf had prepared everything for their one month anniversary. He was really excited for this and was eagerly waiting for Mew to come to his apartment. They had planned to celebrate it at his place. He had prepared a lot for Mew. He wanted to make Mew feel special and it made him happy to decorate everything. He could have asked someone to do it but it won't have the same feel so he took a day off and prepared everything on his own.

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He was patiently waiting for Mew to come since he knew he would be a little late because of rehearsals but when it was past six, he decided to give him a call but it went to voicemail

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He was patiently waiting for Mew to come since he knew he would be a little late because of rehearsals but when it was past six, he decided to give him a call but it went to voicemail. He tried again but Mew didn't pick up. He left him few messages but none got read. He was getting worried now. What if something had happened to him? Mew always took his call and if he couldn't he would at least reply to his messages. His classes and rehearsals were already over so where could he be?

Maybe he was at home getting ready? Mew took awfully long to get ready for special occasions so that could be the case. He decided to call Sarawat.

"Hi Phi, aren't you busy with Mew right now? He was wearing his best clothes today so I thought you would be busy babying him." Sarawat snickered.

"W-Well, y-yeah just wanted to know if everything is okay at home."

"Of course, it is."

"Okay, I'll talk later."

Gulf felt his heart sink. Mew had left home to meet him then why wasn't he here yet. Did he get into accident? Or was he kidnapped? Gulf was panicking thinking something must've happened to his bub. What if Lewis or the teachers wanted to take revenge? Did they kidnap Mew? He called Mew 16 more times but to no avail. He decided to call Pha.

"Hey, Gu-"

"Mew's missing. What should I do? What if something happened to him? He could be in danger."

"Gulf calm down. Isn't it your anniversary today I thought you guys were meeting for that."

"Yes but Mew never showed up. He left from his home but never arrived here.

"Call hi-"

"Do you think I didn't try that already? He's not picking up. We should call police."

"They'll start looking for him after 24 hrs, Gulf."

"I can't wait that long. He could be in some serious danger right now. He must be so scared, Pha. He must be waiting for me to save him and here I'm doing nothing." Gulf felt tears stream down his face.

"Calm down. Don't you guys have the tracking app in your phones? Like the one Wayo and I do? Use it."

He had completely forgotten about that. They had installed tracking app on their phones and linked it in case there was an emergency. He quickly got into his car and drove to where Mew was. Through the entire ride Gulf kept sobbing thinking about the worst. Gulf stopped in front of a restaurant that's where Mew's location was showing.

He went inside in hurry and missed a step on stairs and fell down banging his head and twisting his wrist. He quickly got up and started looking for Mew and saw him sitting across a boy happily munching on food like he had no worry in the world. The first thing that Gulf felt was immense relief. Seeing Mew safe and smiling made him relax. But the very next moment he felt sadness take over. He had no problem with Mew cancelling their plans but the least he could do was inform him so he wouldn't worry like crazy.

He messaged Pha telling him Mew was fine but didn't elaborate any further. He decided to leave without confronting Mew. He didn't want to create a scene in public in front of his friend. He was really angry right now and he didn't want to say something hurtful to Mew in his anger so he quietly left the place and drove back to his apartment. He was getting a massive headache because of fall and his wrist was throbbing painfully so he popped some painkillers and went to sleep without cleaning the house. He had no energy for that right now. He was emotionally and physically tired.

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