A Wounded Soul

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"What the hell?" Sarawat exclaimed as soon as Mew entered the house.

Mew was still in daze and couldn't comprehend what had made Sarawat astonished enough to gawk like fish.

"Is that a hickey? Oh my god, you did it with him?"

Mew blushed even brighter shade of red and stammered, "No, it's not like that."

"Do I look stupid to you? You guys just started dating and you're already-"

"We just kissed. Nothing else."

"It's called making out, idiot."

"Whatever. Don't tell Kit about this."

"Why? Feeling shy?" Sarawat relentlessly teased him for the entire day.

Mew tried to forget what had happened. It wasn't supposed to reach that level. He had been adamant that there would be minimum touching and yet he had lost control like that. It was embarrassing as hell. It wasn't really his fault. Gulf had pulled him into the kiss first and he was too handsome to resist. Things were quite for few days. Gulf didn't try to contact him at all. Mew was thankful for that. He wasn't sure how he should act around him anymore.

Mew was sitting in the cafeteria with Off when he received a call from Phana.

"Mew, good morning."

"Good morning, Phi. "

"Are you free this Saturday?"


"Great, Gulf has to attend a business party and you are going to accompany him."

"Oh... Okay. "

"You need to go shopping for that. I'll take you for that tomorrow, if it's okay with you."

"Gulf won't come?"

"No, he's quite busy."


"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 3 pm."


"Why do you look like you're boyfriend ditched you?" Off commented as soon as Mew cut the call.

"Shut up. He didn't ditch me. He's busy."

"Yeah right. So what's happening?"

"Nothing is happening."

"Oh Mew, you really move fast. I came to know you got a hickey. And here I was thinking you're innocent little thing."

"Wait a minute. How did you know?"

"I have quite widespread network of information. So how did it go from 'It's nothing more than a deal' to 'I can't keep my hands off him'. Tell me."

"Shut up. Sarawat told you, didn't he?"


"Did you buy my brother or something. Why does he always tell you everything? "

"He loves me."

"Are you hitting on my brother?" Mew looked at him suspiciously.

"Hell no." Off made a weird face.

"What was with that reaction? Sarawat is exceptionally adorable. What's wrong with hitting on him?"

"Do you want me to hit on him or not?"

"Of course not. But I didn't like the way you said no with such force."

"Sarawat is like a brother to me. I've known him since he was this little thing. I have no feeling towards him except profound brotherly love."


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