Bad Memories and New Powers

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Rose's POV

I jolt awake from the memory replaying in my head. I once again teleport some clothing from my apartment. When I'm dressed I head down stairs and go out the garage to get my motorcycle. As I open the garage I'm shocked to see Emma walking up to the front door. I get off my bike and start walking toward her.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of being graced by your beauty so early in the morning ." I say with a huge grin on my face and Emma turns to walk toward me at the garage.

"Hey Quartz. I was wondering if you and Regina would like to come to the welcome home party at Granny's tonight." She says and I start to frown knowing exactly how this night will go if mother and I show up.

"I don't know, Swan." I say in a very unsure tone.

"It would make Henry so happy if you guys came." Emma says trying to persuade me to come. And of course it's working. I really miss Henry and hanging out with him.

"Alright Swan, I'll be there but I'll have to ask my mother if she's coming." I say with a sigh and a smile.

"Wow, that was almost a full conversation without you flirting with me. And we weren't in immediate danger." Emma says in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't get used to it, beautiful." I say taking a few steps closer to her. "I can do this all day." I say while tucking her hair behind her ear causing her to blush.

"Do not kiss Ms.Swan on my property, Rose!" I hear mother casually say loud enough to ruin the moment. I pull my hand away from Emma's face and roll my eyes while looking up.

"Good morning to you too mother!" I say back and I hear Emma stifling a laugh from my reaction. "And I wasn't going to kiss her." It's not like you'd let me anyway. I telepathically tell Emma  with a smirk on my face. I turn to leave but feel Emma grab my wrist.

"How do you know I wouldn't let you?" She questions with a smirk. Our faces are only inches apart and right now I'm speechless.

"Let go of my daughter Ms.Swan." I hear my mother say and feel Emma let go of me but I don't break eye contact. I'm still in shock from what she just did. "Rose. House. Now." I clear my throat and quickly make my way to the front door. Closing the garage with my magic in the process.

Once I get in the house my mother looks at me in shock but her expression quickly relaxes.

"Well that's new." She says trying to look as unaffected as possible.

"What's new?" I say completely confused and slightly nervous.

"That" she says pointing to my head and I realize it's my expressive magic.

I quickly walk to the mirror close to the front door and see it. Hearts. Hearts floating around my head like some lovesick cartoon character. Are you kidding me? HEARTS!!!

"Did Emma see these?!" I say frantically.

"No Ms.Swan did not see you helplessly falling for her." Mother says in a mocking tone. "They appeared after you got in the house."

"Good" I say before teleporting my magic bracelet into my hand. I was about to put it on when it flies out of my hand and into mother's.

"No. You will not wear that bracelet around town. Your expressive magic is beautiful and it's apart of you." She says in her motherly tone.

"I know it's beautiful but it's also scary and embarrassing. Emma does not need to see me with hearts above my head and as much as I like scaring the shit out of everyone with my expressive magic, I am not going to do it at the welcome home party tonight." I say while holding out my hand for mother to hand me the bracelet.

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