Some Team

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Rose's POV
I woke up to the sound of chopping. When I turned around I saw Mulan chopping the beanstalk with her sword. I carefully lifted Aurora off of my and she woke up.

"What the hell are you doing!" I screamed at Mulan.

"Emma gave me 10 hours, she wants us to go on without them." Mulan said as she raised her sword to cut the beanstalk once more but I made it fly out of her hand with magic.

"I don't care what she told you. I'm not going home without her." I said before I pinned Mulan up against a tree with magic.

"Stop!" I heard someone say behind me and turned around in enough time to catch Emma and Mary-Margret with my magic before they hit the ground.

"Are you okay?!" I questioned as I walked toward Emma.

"Yeah, jumping from the beanstalk did rattle my brain a little." She said with a breathy laugh.

"Great." I said with a huge smile toward her. "What the fuck were you thinking?! In case you haven't noticed, I don't handle that 'self sacrifice' bullshit well!" I screamed at Emma clearly worried for her.

"It's crazy you don't, since you do it often." she said sarcastically.

"Yeah, no one cares if I come back or not. Everyone cares if you make it, hell, even I care if you make it." I said. My voice now breaking a little.

"Your mother cares if you make it. She loves you." Emma said softly.

"I have one person waiting for me, you have a whole town, your son, and your dad. I'm not leaving you here. You and Mary-Margret go home together. Got it." I said softly but sternly to Emma.

"We all go home together." Snow said from behind Emma.

"Okay." I said softly.

"So let me get this straight, the giant was nice, had a room full of treasure, and decent booby traps. Man, maybe I should have fought more when it came to who was gonna go up." I said. I wish I went up that beanstalk, it has been ages since I had adventures like that.

"Don't forget Hook tracking us down with a third cuff you didn't know about, and trying to get the compass before us." Emma said trying to stop me from seeing this as a fun thing.

"Well, you did chain him up and the giant promised to keep him for 10 hours." Snow said trying to say it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Swan, what is up with you and 10 hour intervals?" I said with a chuckle. That made them both laugh.

"This is nice. How come you're never like this?" Snow said gesturing toward me.

"Oh don't get used to it." I said with a smile.

"What does that mean?" Emma questioned.

"I'm only like this with people who know my secret, so I'd appreciate it if you told everyone when we get back to Storybrooke that I was an evil bitch." I said with a laugh but Emma and Snow just went silent.

"Why don't you want people to know you can be nice?" Aurora asked from behind us.

"When people know you can be nice, they expect things from you. They try to push you around and manipulate you. I just don't want that. Not again." I said before I could realize what I said.

"Again?" Snow questioned.

"Leave it Snow." I said sternly.

"Who manipulated you?" She asked not caring about my tone. "Was it Cora?" She asked again.

I put up a soundproof barrier with my magic so the ogre's couldn't hear us. "I said, leave it!" My hands glowing from the barrier.

"No, don't shut me out. We were just getting along, we were having fun." Snow said in a pleading tone.

"Fun's over." I said softly before lowering the barrier and walking to the clearing up ahead. "This is a good place for camp." I said before pitching everyone's tent with magic and pulling kindling from the woods to make a fire. "Aurora come here. I'll help you get set up." I said not wanting people to know I cared that the younger princess got sleep. She came toward where I was and got into her tent. I soon followed.

"I don't need sleep." She said as I entered the tent.

"You do, and you know it. Now lay down. I'll be right here." I said in a motherly tone. I don't know why but I felt responsible for the girl. Maybe it's because she doesn't have her parents anymore. She deserves to have someone to protect her.

She soon fell asleep and once I was sure I took off my ring and stared at the hologram of my mother that was inside it. "I miss you, mother." I whispered before slipping the ring back on and falling asleep. Unaware to Snow who at the time was listening right outside the tent.

Regina's Rose *hiatus*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz