A Failed Trap

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Rose's POV

I flopped down on the couch and let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Mother you might want to sit down for this." I say with a half smile knowing the information to come might be a little much for her.

"Ookay." She says and gracefully lowers herself to the couch like a true queen. "Are you okay.? Do you want to talk later."

"I'm fine, it's just a lot to take in."


Regina's POV

"So she killed your parents." I say to my daughter who is trying to hide her tears, completely forgetting about her expressive magic.

"Um... yeah she did... but it's okay. I didn't even know them so." She says trying to hide her true feelings about the matter.

I move closer to her on the couch and take her in my arms, putting my hand on her head, she begins to break down crying.

"Mom, why do I care so much? I didn't even know them." She says in between her cries.

"It just hurts, sweetheart." I say while combing my hand through her hair trying not to get my hand caught in her wild curls.

"Do you know who they were?" She says in a soft voice, looking up at me hopefully from where she is in my arms.

"No sweetheart, I didn't know anything about the former queen and king of Wonderland. They were in a different land so I never took time to learn about them. I'm sorry."

"It's okay mother." She says trying to compose herself as she lets go of me and wipes away her tears. "Let's talk about something else. How were things here while I was gone?"

"Nope, different topic." I say already feeling tears forming in my eyes from the memory of having to kill Daniel.

"Okay...I killed 8 ogres by myself." She says nonchalantly and it takes all of my attention.

"You what?!" I shout in both surprise and worry for my daughter.

"I thought you would be impressed not worried." She says before mumbling under her breath, "Now I'm gonna get a lecture."

"You know, you still act like a teenager." I say rolling my eyes at her trying to hide my smirk at her childish behavior.

"Well, I was a teenager for 24 years." She says with a smile that always causes me to as well.

"Yes you were." I say with a smile. "Now tell me about your adventures in the enchanted forest." I say turning to face her completely.

"Well for that I have to go back a little farther. Do you want to hear about everything or just the stuff that led up to killing the ogres?" She says now facing me with a bright smile.

"Whichever one you want sweetheart." I say knowing she wants to tell the whole story. She smiles even wider at the idea and then stands up in front of me ready to tell the full story.

"Okay so, we were all tied to a horse..."

"And she threatened to slap me which...ha....wasn't...fun."

"Oh Rose."

"She was faking so I went ballistic. That's when I killed the ogres."

"Ugh, that little princess and her need to know everything."

"It was HOOK!"

"That one handed traitor"

"And he thought I liked him" she said while dramatically gagging causing me to lightly chuckle.

Regina's Rose *hiatus*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ