Magic is Here

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Rose's POV

As I walked in the living room I heard voices from outside. My mother felt and saw the magic too. Unlike her I tested mine as she stormed passed me ready to face the mob.

Mother be careful magic is different here. I said communicating telepathically.

She turned around and spoke to me "Careful has never been my style." I didn't step out the house just in case I needed the element of surprise.

"You want to see your Queen, well here she is!" My mother said as she tried to make a fireball but nothing appeared.

Be glad I learned illusion magic, Mother. I can change your outfit, strike fear in their hearts but no pain will come to them by my magic, clear?

"Crystal" my mother said out loud. She waved her hand and a queenly outfit-the same one she wore to cast the curse- appeared on her. I was making my magic look like hers, it took a lot out of me to focus on getting the color just right but everything was going fine. People backed away in fear, until Dr. Whale brought me up.

"Give us that Killer Princess and we'll leave." He said thinking he could bargain with the queen.

"You think you can bargain with me for my own daughter, when I clearly have the high ground. I love her anything you have to offer isn't worth her life." My mother said as I grew tired in the background, mimicking magic signatures sucks the energy right out of you.

Mother remember just scare them off because your cover will be blown if you try to hurt them.

"Please, loving someone never stopped you. If it did this curse never would have been cast." Whale said as he stepped up on the steps. My mother readied a fireball which caused him to scramble backwards.

Don't throw it! I made sure that echoed in her mind hoping it would make her think twice. Then the whole Charming crew came through the crowd. Shit, she was definitely gonna throw it now. My mom threw the fireball toward Snow, when it left her hand it soared but disappeared before it could hit anyone. I walked out and fell to the floor from exhaustion trying to catch my breath. I saw a glimpse of Whale trying to choke my mother as she quickly glanced to me trying to see if I was okay.

I'm okay Mother. I said as I pushed Whale back making him fly into the crowd. That was the last thing I did before everything went dark.

I woke up in a cell with my mother wearing her regal queen smirk upon her face. As she told the Charming's that the Enchanted Forest was gone. I knew that wasn't true but why would I ruin her fun. I stood up beside my mother with a matching smirk on my face, until I noticed that my mother was in her pants-suit again not her queenly dress.

"Wow, magic really is different here." I said looking shocked at my mother's outfit. "that wasn't supposed to change back after the illusion." Not caring that I interrupted the Charming's.

"Let her out." Emma said to Prince Charming who had the keys.

"Me, why?" I said completely confused.

"Emma, we can't let her out she's evil, like her mother." Snow said trying to reason with her daughter.

"Snow's got a point Em." I say not wanting to be stuck with the Charming's.

" She may act evil because you guys see her that way, but she's nice. She was never rude to Mary-Margret or David, she helped save Henry, and she basically paid almost everyone in this town's rent." I looked at Emma with wide eyes, and telepathically communicated with her.

My mom didn't know about that, Swan. Emma was startled for a second and then whispered a sorry.

"You payed everyone's rent." My mother turned to me in shock. I could tell my magic was swirling around my head because David and Snow prepared for a fight while Emma looked at me with "Your caught" eyes.

"Not everyone's.... just a few people." I said as I saw a bright pink light reflect off the cell bars. "God I miss that magic cuff." I said defeated.

"I thought you wanted me to get revenge." My mother said.

"I do or did. Ugh, I don't know. All I know is that I wanted you to be happy. The least I could do is stand by you mother, you did so much for me." I said as my magic dissolved I noticed the Charming's get less tense.

"Why would you kill your father to be the daughter of a monster. I heard he was a kind man." Snow said unaware of the true history.

"Mary-Margret, do you even know the real story that man was-" I cut Emma off.

"Leave it Swan." I said not wanting pity from Snow about my past.

"Why? You'd rather a whole kingdom hate you for no reason then tell them what really happened." Emma said slightly raising her voice.

"Yes Swan, I would. They chose their truth and I know mine. Now if I come with you will you drop it." I said harshly and looked around. My mother looked at me with saddened eyes and then turned to Emma ready to kill her for forcing me to face the past, Snow's eyes softened as she looked at me clearly wanting to know what happened, David was quiet but he was still ready to fight, and Emma stared at me for a second and then sighed while unlocking the cell. I took a deep breath,"Now. Where are we going."

Sorry for they short chapter guys, the next one will be longer. Please comment what you think and ideas that you have. I'm open to suggestions. Also, do you think people shoulder be able to have a conversation telepathically with Rose or have to talk out loud back to her like I have it right now?

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