Chapter 16: Swept Off Her Feet

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    I scroll through Instagram while I wait for MJ to come pick me up. I don't know what movie we're going to see, but it doesn't matter as long as it can keep my mind occupied and focused on anything other than Peter.

    I come across a picture of Peter, Liz, Ned, and a few other people I don't really recognize. I'm glad he's having a good time, he should enjoy it while it lasts. MJ texts me that she's here, so I stuff some candy in my pockets before heading out to the car. I walk out of my bedroom and head to the elevator, but Tony stops me.

    "Diana, what's in your pockets?" He asks suspiciously. 

    "It's just candy. I'm going to the movies with MJ."

    "Why aren't you going to Homecoming? Did no one ask you?"

    I consider telling him that I just didn't feel like going, with wasn't a complete lie. But Tony deserves to know what's going on with Peter. "Someone did, but I felt like I should stay as far away from homecoming as possible." He gives me a look between what on earth are you talking about, and go on. "You know that in my timeline everything about Avengers are movies. Well, Peter fights his 'villain' tonight, and since I know he wins in the movie, I should stay away so I won't affect anything." 

    Tony's face goes through a series of expressions, telling me exactly what he's thinking. He's just as worried about Peter as I am, but he knows that the best thing we can do is to stay out of it. "I see."

    We stay silent for a minute, and both of our worry steadily increases the more we think about it. "I'm really worried about him." I don't know why I said it, but I know we were both thinking it. 

    "So am I. But I get why I can't help the kid." MJ texts again, insisting I hurry up. "Here, take this. You're not tricking anybody with those bulging pockets." He hands me some money, and I rush out the door.


    MJ and I watch the previews for our movie, and I still don't know what we're watching. We we're able to get two large popcorns and all the candy you could ever want, and we STILL had some money left over that Tony gave me. The screen stops playing previews, the curtains open even wider and the lights dim. Show time. It took a few minutes, but I realized that we were watching Uncharted, which in my world, Tom Holland aka Peter is in. Of course, it wasn't him here, Matt Damon played Nathan Drake. Not as good a fit, but it still worked. 

    It's a good movie, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't focus like I wanted to at all. How could I when the person I was stressed and worried about was literally on the screen? I mean, not literally, but that's all I could see. I didn't bother telling MJ about it, there's no point in both of us being stressed out for no reason. I get a sick feeling in my stomach, and I don't think it's the mix of soda and candy. I keep checking my phone in case someone texts me that something is going on, but it's pointless. MJ eventually notices and takes my phone, whispering to me that I need to relax. I sat still for a 2 hour movie, but it was the most stressful 2 hours ever. 

    The credits of the movie begin to roll, and people are leaving their seats once the lights turn on. MJ looks at me with that tired face everyone has after watching a movie late at night. "Oh, Diana." She says when she sees the look on my face that clearly shows that going to the movies didn't distract me at all. "Come on. It's starting to get late, Homecoming will end in an hour or two. Let me take you home. Nothing can distract you better than sleep." We share a short laugh, but it doesn't cheer me up. I definitely didn't feel like this when I watched Spider-Man: Homecoming, but now I know Peter better now. I know all the little quirks he does and the things they never showed on camera in my world. He feels so much more real. He is real.

    MJ and I walk out of the movie theater, and I can't take it anymore. I stop, and MJ gives me a look. She thinks I'm overreacting about what's going to happen between Peter and the Vulture. "I know you just think of it as a fight, but I watched it happen. I saw every punch and every kick and every web. When I was watching on a screen, it didn't affect me because it was nothing more than entertainment. But now, I know Peter. I became friends with him, helped him, but not nearly as much as he has helped me."

    "Diana." She says, not even looking at me as she interrupts me but at the sky.

    "If you saw it you would realize how much it hurts to see someone you love being hurt!" I yell, and MJ doesn't even acknowledge what I just said about Peter. 

    "Diana!" I notice the small crowd of people that were around us looking up to the sky like MJ and running back inside. I follow their gaze, and my heart stops.

   MJ grabs my hand and leads us back into the building as the Vulture glides toward us. Why is he here? He should be fighting Peter right now. This isn't how it was supposed to go! MJ gets into the building, not letting go of my wrist as she tries to pull me in. Vulture grabs my other wrist, and him being much stronger than MJ despite her weird about of strength, he pulls me away from her grasp and flies us into the sky.

    Watching the world become smaller under my feet, I think about what's going to happen next. He might just kill me. But since it's different from the 'plot' I though was suppose to happen, at least now I know Peter is safe. I smile as I think of him and Ned having the time of their lives. And he has Liz. Things will be okay for him.


Tony's POV 

    "Thanks for being here, Strange." I'm glad Diana trusts me enough to know what's happening tonight, I still felt something was off with the whole thing, so I called Strange to talk it over with him. We both stand on a balcony, overlooking the city.

    "I know I'm a wizard, but I still use my phone. You know that right? We could have just had this conversation over the phone?"

    "So," I begin, completely ignoring what he said. "Diana told me something." He immediately looks more interested in the conversation. "Tonight is homecoming. Peter went, but Diana is going to the movies. When I asked her why, she told me that she has to stay as far away from homecoming as possible." 

    Strange's expression turns from interest to concern, and I think he sees where I'm going with this. "She said that in her world, there is a movie about what happens at homecoming tonight. Peter is supposed to fight his villain."

    Strange walks up even closer to me, even though we were only a few feet away. Now it's just a few inches. "Please don't kiss me."

    "Do you realize how much danger Diana and Peter are in right now?" 

    "Relax. She said that Peter wins, so as long as we stay out of it, we know that things will go fine."

    "Glad to hear that you're so confidant in the word of a teenage girl, but that's not how it works.  From the moment she entered our world, our timeline permanently changed. Before she came, it may have been the timeline the stories of her world are based on. But now, there is no telling what could happen next unless she's a psychic and can see into the future." 

   My face goes pale. Peter's life is in danger, and Diana's might be too. Just then, I see a flash of light from a far distance and hear a slight rumble. "I have the feeling that has something to do with them."

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