Chapter 23

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Previously on Chapter 22

Toph easily beats Xin Fu. She didn't even do that much effort. She's truly amazing. She'll be the best earth-bending teacher for Aang and I. That is... if she's ever allowed to come with us. Hopefully her parents would understand that we really need her in order to restore balance into the world.

-New Member Of The Gang-


We are now back at the Beifong's house. Toph is trying to talk to her parents that she wants to come with us. How she wants to explore and teach earth-bending to Aang and I.

"Dad, I know it's probably hard for you to see me this way. But the obedient little helpless blind girl that you think I am just isn't me..." she said. Her parents sits in front of her. They still looked shock from what happened earlier. I mean... I don't blame them.

"I love fighting. I love being an earthbender, and I'm really, really good at it. I know I've kept my life secret from you, but you were keeping me secret from the whole world. You were doing it to protect me, but I'm twelve years old and I've never had a real friend. So, now that you see who I really am, I hope it doesn't change the way you feel about me" she said.

"Of course it doesn't change the way I feel about you, Toph. It's made me realize something" her dad said. "It has?" Toph said, surprised at her dad's words. "Yes. I've let you had far too much freedom. From now on you'll be cared for and guarded twenty-four hours a day" her dad said. "But, dad!!" She said. "We're doing this for your own good, Toph" her mom said.

"Please escort the Avatars and their friends out. They are no longer welcome here" her dad said. I turn to look at Toph. She said nothing, but I can sense her sadness. The guards walks towards us and slowly escorts us out of the house.

"I'm sorry, Toph..." Aang said. Toph lowers her head. "I'm sorry too. Goodbye, Aang... Y/N" she said. I can see tears streaming down her cheeks.


We are now on top of the hill, getting ready to leave the place. "Don't worry, we'll find you both a teacher. There are plenty of amazing earthbenders out there" Katara said. I turn to look at Aang. He turns to me. I know we both are thinking the same thing.

"Not like her" he said. I nod my head, looking down in sadness. I really wish Toph could come with us. I turn to look at Sokka who's polishing the belt. "Well, at least someone's having a good time" I said, rolling my eyes. I turn my head and notice someone.

"Toph?" I said. She stops as she reaches us. "Toph! What are you doing here?" Aang said. Toph keeps her head down. "My dad changed his mind. He said I was free to travel the world" she said. I have a feeling that she's lying. She's actually running from home.

Aang turns to look at me. I just shrug my shoulders. "Well, we'd better get out of here, before your dad changes his mind again" Sokka said. "He's right..." I said. She nods her head in agreement. "Good idea" she said.

"You're going to be a great teacher, Toph" Aang said. "Speaking of which, I want to show Y/N something" she said. I look at her in surprise. "Oh... okay" I said. I jumps down the saddle. As soon as my feet touch the ground, I feel vibration. I got send flying and land on a tree, upside down.

"Now we're even. Um, I'll take the belt back..." she said. Sokka takes the belt off and throw it over. "Ow!" Toph said, as the belt hits her head. "Sorry" Sokka said. I let out a sigh and jumps off the tree.

"You're an idiot sometimes, Sokka. Did you forget that she's blind?" I said. He just lets out a nervous chuckle. I walk over to Toph and pulls her up. We get on Appa's saddle. She holds onto me tightly as we start to fly. I can see a small smile on her face as she closes her eyes.


We are now in a forest area. We decided to set up a camp to rest for the night. I land on something soft and look down to see fur. I turn to look at Appa and caress his fur, helping him shed better.

"Hey. You guys picked a great campsite. The grass is so soft" Toph said. "That's not grass... it's Appa's fur"I said. "Yeah... Appa's shedding" Sokka said. "Oh, gross!" Katara said, lifting her feet up in disgust.

"Oh come on, Katara. It's normal for furry animals to shed" I said. "Y/N's right. It's not that bad. It's just part of spring! You know... rebirth, flowers blooming and Appa gets a new coat" Aang said. I turn to look at him and notice a blue bird perching on his head.

"Ah, the beauty of spring" Katara said, sarcastically. Appa suddenly sneezes, sending a thick cloud of fur. He starts to shake his body. "Stop! Appa, stop! Ugh!" Katara said, coughing. She waves her arms around, trying to get the fur to fly away. I let out a laugh at her bad attempts.

"It's not that bad, Katara..." Sokka said. He walks up to us and bends down. He starts gathering Appa's fur on his head. "It makes a great wig!" He said. He look proud by his creation.

"And a great beard" Aang said. I turn to look at him and burst out laughing. Aang and Sokka laughs too as they point at each other. Katara just keeps on cleaning her clothes from Appa's fur.

"I'm just glad we finally have another girl in the group, because you two are disgusting" Katara said. I let out a gasp at what she said. "Excuse me?" I said, placing my hand on my chest with a fake hurt tone. "Oh, I'm sorry, Y/N... I-" she stuttered. "Relax... I'm just messing with you..." I said, laughing again. She rolls her eyes and cross her arms. I turn my head and notice Toph stuffing her sleeve. I bit my lips at what's going to happen.

"Excuse me, does anyone have a razor? Because I've got some hairy pits!" She said, lifting her arms to reveal her 'hairy pits.' I burst out laughing again and start rolling on the ground.

Aang sneezes, probably from the fur on his face. The air he let out sends him backward, onto Appa's leg. He fall forward to reveal layers of fur on his back. He looks like a hedgehog. Katara starts to chuckle at the boys silliness, plus our newest member.

I walk over to Toph and wrap my arm around her. "Welcome to the group, Toph. You're officially the new member of the gang" I said. She grins and wrap her arm around my torso. The others joins in the hug.

*to be continued*

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