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*Guys you can always comment if the book is not good. I feel like it's not doing well,sorry but I might delete it if there's no response.
I stared at my sleeping naked mate by my side as I felt the mark on my neck. The pleasure that it gave me was intense when Zach bit me. I can tell that it would be my weak spot.

I only have him left now. The paragraph that papa wrote behind the letter is right.

You can't wait for your mother to change,you only have him now,you can't change that fact. Regardless of the things he has done,I'm sure he won't do it again.

If he hurts and reject me the next time,it would be the death of me. I felt Zach stirr beside me and the hands that was wrapped around me tightened. I smiled and turned to face him once more. His eyes are close but I can tell that he's awake,I reached up to trace his nose then lips. He kissed my fingertip and opened his eyes.

"Good Evening."I greeted him,it was already dark outside. He smiled and pulled me on top of him.

"I love you so much."he said and kissed me.

"I love you too.Now how about we grab dinner?"I said as I got off him and grabbed my blouse on the way to the kitchen. I heard him groan from the bedroom,I giggled.

"So what are your plans now?"Zach asked when we were sitting down on the counter,he was half-naked with his boxer. Him eating the chicken that I cooked and me sipping blood.

"New York is a three hour ride from here,if there's an emergency,I can drive there. Brena,my secretary, can take care of things there."I said rather reluctantly. It's going to be hard since my papa raised an empire.

"It's okay if you can go there from time to time,just make sure that you come back to me."he kissed my cheek and continued eating.

We returned to my bedroom a moment later.

The next morning,I found my other side of the bed empty but what surprised me the most was that I actually slept without being awaken by his movements,I'm usually a light sleeper with my heightened senses and all but wow. I smiled and sat up,the house is empty,it seems like Zach is not here,where could he be?

I took a shower and got out without any clothes on and I was just about to enter my closet when I noticed a piece of paper taped on my bedside lamp,I walked to it.

"Alpha duty,be back soon. Love You!"it says. I miss him already. Maybe this is the effect of being marked. I shook my head and went back to my closet and changed to a shirt and a short. It's freezing outside but it doesn't affect me eventually.

I called Brena to check on things before going to the kitchen to grab a drink but I forgot that my fridge is still empty,the chicken I bought was the only thing in it,blood is gone as well. I sighed and used my superspeed to change into my jeans,grab my wallet and tied my shoes then set off to buy groceries. I know I don't need to eat but sometimes there's fun in eating.

When I returned home,Zach was waiting for me outside,I locked the door when I left. He kissed me then helped me with the bags while I unlocked the door.

"Sorry for leaving suddenly,we caught a rogue spying on our terittory."he said when we were on the kitchen. I froze. It's happening.

"Is the rogue alive?"I asked as I turned to him with my most serious face that I can show.

"He's locked up..."he looked confused.

"Take me to him."

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