32 - Betrayal

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As our boat docked at Skal's harbour, my men had to carry me to my bed. My head had been severely injured, but the worst part had been the fever. It had weakened me badly. After everything I had been through, I had never felt this helpless before.

I noticed a few extra guards by the entrance of the newly built timber wall that surrounded Skal, but that was the only difference from when I left. Everything seemed normal and all of our worries on the boat were for nothing. Or was it? Something within told me to stay alert, and that was what I whispered to Dag when he was close enough.

At this point, Dag was the only person I felt that I could truly trust. Ivar was a good man, but he seemed reluctant to accept Vidar's pack as friends or even neighbours, and that troubled me.

As soon as I was placed in my bed the village oracle hastily ran to my aid and pampered me with decoctions and herbal tea. She told me that the priestess had made blood offerings to the gods praying for my health. It was all very heartwarming, but all I could think of was the blue shimmering wolf that had visited me in my sleep. There was something so familiar with it, and every coming night I hoped it would come back to comfort me.

But my nights passed in solitude, and my days in bed were spent listening to the worries of my wife, this day was no exception. "I heard Ivar and Liv speaking," she said as her hands moved over my aching body with a damp cloth. "Ivar wants to double the watch while Liv thinks it's useless. She claims Bjarke wont come back to hurt us."

"How can she know?" I said with a hoarse voice, "did she meet up with the man and discuss it?" I chuckled at my own joke but was punished instantly with a bad cough and a stern look from my wife.

"You don't trust her," she concluded, "why?"

"Because I rejected her," I sighed. "She's always been angry at me since."

Noora sighed and sat down quietly on the edge of the bed. "She's used to getting what she wants. But there's something else we need to talk about."

I peered into her eyes and noticed how concerned she was, almost on the verge of tears, "there's something wrong with Ari," she began, "his left arm and leg, it's as if he can't use them properly." She took my hand and squeezed it, "have you noticed?"

I nodded a few times, "Let me see him, bring him here."

I watched as the woman put down the bowl of water and left the room quickly, and came back with a smiling child in her arms. The boy had grown a lot since he first came here, and he was at that age where he would try to stand up and take his first steps. But even I could see that he would have trouble standing. Noora was right, his left leg was weaker than the other.

She placed the boy beside me and he instantly reached for the long braid in my beard and he started to play with the silver beads at the end of it.

"He's healthy, Noora, maybe he just needs some extra practice and support."

"I think the curse still affects him," she whispered, "and what if it affects me too? We've tried for another child, but I wont get pregnant. Tyr, we need a healthy child!"

I shook my head. Her words pained me, but I could only smile at her. "Give it some time, it's in the hands of the gods." I leaned down to kiss the top of my boy's head, "and Ari was out of air for a long time," I whispered, "we are lucky he's still alive."

"Maybe the wolve's did something to him," a harsh voice pointed out behind my wife. A voice I knew belonged to Liv and it sent shivers down my spine. Why would she always disturb my peace?

"And why would they want to do that to an innocent child? They are not monsters like Fenrir, Liv, they are compassionate and kind."

The dark haired woman chuckled, "you are still blinded by love Tyr, of course that's what they'll make you believe."

I rubbed my head and sighed, "we're not having this discussion again," I said while pointing daggers at her.

Noora noticed my agony and backed Liv out of the room, "Tyr needs rest, you two can speak later." She turned to me and gave me a weak smile, "do you want me to take him?"

"No," I said and pulled Ari protectively to my body and smiled down at the drowsy child who was combing his tiny fingers through my beard. "Let him stay, he looks sleepy." And with that both women left the room and I was able to rest.

I finally felt at ease, there wasn't much I could do but wait for my wounds to heal and rest. Whatever Liv was stirring, it was nothing I could deal with right now. After my nap with Ari I would ask for Ivar and Dag and tell them to keep an eye on Liv for me. I knew they had similar thoughts about her, and I could trust them with this.

The small boy reached his weaker hand towards my lips and giggled when I nibbled on his thumb playfully, "Soon Ari, I will take you to my first home, and we will meet your grandparents and your aunt. They must surely miss you," I said and looked into his light grey eyes. "And then we will walk a few miles into the forest and visit the Hamarr-Pack where my two maðurs await us." I closed my eyes and inhaled a deep breath, "they won't treat you differently because of your weak body, they will love you for who you are." I missed them both so much, "I could really use your healing powers now," I whispered out loud even though I knew Freke could not hear me. "And I could use some of your wisdom, Vidar," I continued, "and some of your strength."

Beside me the child was fast asleep, breathing deeply with his fingers still tangled in my hair, and soon I joined him in the lands of dreams where I dreamt of our reunion with a smile on my lips.

Beside me the child was fast asleep, breathing deeply with his fingers still tangled in my hair, and soon I joined him in the lands of dreams where I dreamt of our reunion with a smile on my lips

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