24 - The Enemy

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Tyr was nowhere to be found. I had seen him this morning, but he had excused himself and left as soon as our eyes had met. His behaviour confused me and it saddened me.

Unsure of what to do, I found myself on the bed he used to share with me, but now belonged to Noora. I looked around the room, and noticed it had changed. It was clear that a woman had moved in, spreading her belongings on shelves and tables – making it more comfortable with fabrics and animal hides. It had a more homey feel to it.

I had no idea why I had walked there. I still felt lost and I wasn't sure what was expected of me at this point. Vidar had left to look for Bjarke, I was the only wolf in the village again, and I felt alone. Tyr seemed to avoid me ever since he came back from the forest. He was probably blaming himself, he usually did, and I wanted to talk to him about it. But how could I speak to him if he avoided me? At that moment I decided to stay put and wait for him, I needed to explain myself and I needed him to comfort me.

While I sat there I closed my eyes and reached out to the spirits, asking them to keep an eye on Vidar for me. But I was interrupted by three female voices.

"The Jarl is so distracted these days," a woman I knew as the handmaiden of Noora said, as they entered the area where the women usually sat and did their daily chores. I could see them clearly through the fabric that divided the spaces, but I knew their human eyes wouldn't detect me.

"I can't believe they couldn't find the bastard," Liv muttered and sank down on a chair, "he waited too long. As soon as the baby was attacked he should have run out there and taken care of the problem once and for all."

"He was worried for Ari," Noora mumbled with a soft voice, "I'm sure he wanted to stay to make sure his son was going to survive."

"He could have sent me," Liv continued as if unphased by Noora's words, "he's too occupied listening to the beasts to think clearly. We're experienced fighters, damn us if we couldn't take down one single man."

"I heard he's a powerful Vitki," the maid said, "The other servants talk of him. He's not a good person."

"What exactly are they saying?" Noora asked as she started to repair one of Tyr's old tunics.

"They told me stories of when he was a child. His father, the old Jarl, was never home and no one else dared to discipline him – so he ran around harassing the villagers."

"Harassing? How?" Liv asked curiously. I noted how she didn't join in on the sewing, but only sat there and looked bored while the other two women worked on the pile of clothes.

"I heard they built a new place for worship, but he didn't like it, so he made them tear it down as soon as it was finished," Noora said with a concerned frown on her face.

"Yes, things like that," the servant agreed, "acting like he was their king. Throwing fits when they wouldn't do what he asked them to."

"I can't believe they followed him and actually did the crap he told them to do," Liv muttered with detestation in her voice. "They could have ignored him, thrown him out of the village."

I shuddered at her words, there was something wrong with that woman. She was so cold sometimes and there were no signs of compassion or empathy in her.

"It can't be easy living with a man like that as the head of the village," Noora said calmly and the servant girl nodded.

"He was claiming he would become powerful one day and he would curse them all."

Well, I thought, Bjarke had stayed true to his words. A Vitki he was, but not a kind and helpful one like the old seer of Bildsfell had taught me to be. Bjarke's magic was foul and dark and it had made my inner fears come to life. While I was in his grasp I had lived inside my most horrid nightmares. His mindtricks were something to fear, and Liv was stupid to think she could take him down with the help of a few warriors. I wouldn't have minded if she tried, though. I had started to hate the woman, but I cared about the rest of Tyr's hird, so I wouldn't suggest it.

The truth was, Bjarke's strength was so intimidating that I feared for my pack. I knew Vidar was strong and experienced in dealing with magic, but I wasn't sure he knew what he was getting himself into.

"I just wish my husband would spend some time with me and our son," Noora whispered and let out a sad sigh. "He only has that man in his head, the want and need to kill him."

"Well, he did try to kill your son," the maid said with a comforting tone and patted Noora's knee, but I could hear Liv chuckle in the background.

"It's not Bjarke that's on his mind, my Lady, it's Freke. And as soon as the wolves are gone things will get better for us."

"How can you say that!" Noora exclaimed, "they saved Ari, and how many times has Freke helped my husband?"

"Yes, that's true, but without them, his mind would be focused on the more important things in life, like taking care of the village and his family. Now he only strives to impress a pack of wolves. It's not healthy behaviour."

I felt my heart sink. I knew Liv was trying to create a gap between me and Noora, but something inside of me told me that she was right. While I was away, stuck in the spirit world, Tyr had managed to rebuild their homes, the roads, and gained the respect of the townsfolk. Maybe he was better off without me?

"Tyr and Freke are like the god and the giant-wolf Fenrir. You know the legend Noora," Liv said with confidence in her voice, "Tyr places his arm in the giant-wolf's mouth and asks for his trust, but what does Fenrir do?"

The room was quiet for a while. So quiet I could hear the women breathe and the soft sound of the needles piercing the cloth. "He bites his arm off," Noora whispered eventually, and my heart ached from the tone of her voice.

"Yes, exactly," Liv said with a superior tone, "we should listen to the myths, my Lady. They speak much wisdom."

"And what wisdom is that," Noora asked carefully.

"That Wolves can not be trusted."

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