11- Preparations

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Living in Blidsfell I'd only heard tales of the wolfpack, the mysterious clan who was Freke's family, but I had never actually met them.

During special times of the year my lover would run back to them, to celebrate milestones and traditions unknown to the common man. Freke would tell me about their siblings and their friends with love in their voice, but I had never actually met them.

I wondered how the people of Skal would greet them, and I had decided to step forward and tell them the truth. That their former Jarl's son was out there with a mission to harm us for killing his father.

The hall was crowded, every man living here had stepped foot inside, some women had followed, but this time the children were led outside. Ivar had informed them all that their Jarl had important things to announce, and the air was gloomy, since they already understood the news would be grim.

"Some of you might have noticed our Seer's absence in our village," I called out with a deep and steady voice, creating instant silence in the otherwise loud hall.

I peered at Freke who stood by my side, the skin around their eyes was freshly painted with black coal, their clothes were washed, and their hair was combed back. The wolf looked healthy again and their orange eyes were filled with love and determination when they met mine.

"I had a run-in with one of your former peers, Bjarke son of Brokk."

I heard gasping sounds leaving their puzzled faces, grunts of annoyance and sounds of fear spreading through the air. And my thoughts were confirmed, they all knew him, and they knew he was someone to fear.

"I don't know this man." I continued, "but anyone who attacks a member of this village, unprovoked, is my enemy, and that is why I will act accordingly."

"Bjarke is not a common man," someone to my right threw at me, "his magic is not like the wolf's. It is rotten and foul."

"You're right." Freke sighed. "He lured me to him and used my curiosity to his advantage. But now I know what we are up against," they said, trying to console them.

"Our weapons won't help against him," another one said, and again we had to agree with them.

"We know that," I placed a hand on Freke's shoulder. "And that is why I have asked my partner to summon their family to our aid."

Everyone's eyes fell on Freke with anticipation, and the wolf enjoyed every moment of it. "And they have answered. They will travel here," they proclaimed proudly.

I could sense the relief in the room, and it amused me. Once they feared the magic wielding vitki, my lover, our seer and protector. But now, with a threat they could not fight on their own, they gladly accepted more of their kind into their homes.

"Until they arrive, we need to prepare," I declared. "No one leaves the village alone, keep an eye out for unnatural behaviour amongst your kin. When Freke came back to me, their mind was affected by the níðingr and they were acting erratically."

A low murmur erupted as everyone started to speak to their neighbour with hushed voices. They were bothered by the news, some even feared this man who was hiding like the weak coward that he was. But I, and my partner, stood strong and fearless before them, and even though it was all an act, I knew it would help.

"Now, go home to your families, prepare them for a fight," Freke called out to them, and instantly the crowd started to move. Some towards the open doors, but some walked towards us.

"I am sorry for doubting you, my Lord Vitki," one of the younger men said and bowed his head. "You must excuse our lack of knowledge of your kind. But know that we truly appreciate your help."

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