30 - On The open Sea

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The air was crisp and the ship moved through the waves with ease. It would have been a lovely day at sea if it wasn't for the fact that I was supposed to be riding to my maðurs and not sailing on a raid.

I sighed and gazed out at the horizon where the blue sky met the darker water, remembering the messenger who'd brought us the news of Bjarke's latest accomplishments. According to Liv's friend, he was hiding in a village, and I had decided to go after him, without Vidar and Freke. I knew it was stupid, but I coulden't sit there and wait for them to come and rescue me like some weakling. I needed to do this for my son and for my lover. And for my own self respect.

"I'm surprised that Liv stayed in Skal voluntarily," Dag sniggered as he walked up beside me.

"She despises me," I chuckled and gave him a wink, "she's probably convincing everyone to make her jarl while i'm gone."

"And you're laughing about it?" Ivar said more seriously from where he sat and crafted a wooden idol with a small knife, spreading flakes all around his feet, "she would make a terrible jarl."

"She would," Dag agreed, "Noora would be a better choice."

"Says the lovestruck boy," I teased and gained a confused look from Ivar. "But you're right, if I die Noora would be the best choice."

"You need to put another child in her belly," said Ivar and joined us by the mast and handed me the small statue of the god of war he just made me, "you need more heirs."

"I'm not sure I do," I said with a shrug of my shoulders, but thanked him for the gift.

I could sense Ivar's frustration and I knew he let his emotions speak. "You've spent too much time with the wolves," he scowled, "they've been a bad influence on you."

"You are wrong, my friend," Dag disagreed, "Tyr is stronger with Freke."

The conversation ended as we started to see land, and we prepared our bodies and minds for battle and a possible death.

With my friends close behind, my feet landed in the shallow water and I started to run towards the men who were coming towards us. Their eyes black from hate and bodies filled with rage.

"You need to be careful Tyr," Dag yelled towards me, "there's no healer with us, remember?"

How could I forget? Every second without my wolves was pure agony, and in a situation like this, I felt lost.

I swung my axe, then raised my shield blocking a few hits with it, only to stumble on rocks and dead bodies. The fight was even. They were skilled, but so were we. I stepped to the left and parried a blow, ducked and pushed the oponent with my shield. He staggered backwards and I got my chance to smash my weapon through his jaw. He instantly fell to the ground, screaming like a wounded pig.

A kick from someone forced me off balance and onto the ground. I was quick to stand – only to be attacked by two men from behind. A long spear flew through the air and landed in one of their chests, just in time for me to spin around and push the other with my shield and run to my friends. I needed their backs against mine.

Blood rushed to my brain as I pressed forward, somewhere Brokk's son was hiding from me. He was no one, a maggot who fled from me because he feared me, I told myself. He cursed my lover, my village and my son because I killed his father, but he was too scared to meet me face to face and avenge him. The coward! May he rot and never reach Valhalla!

Arrows soared through the air and I raised my shield to protect me. "Shieldwall!" I screamed at my men, and they gathered around me and raised a massive wall of shields in front and above us.

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