Patton's Story

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Summary: It's the future. Patton's becoming an author with the book on his life, and Logan and Virgil are preparing for retirement and a more peaceful life. There's another little surprise coming though.

And this is the last chapter! Hopefully you all have enjoyed this book - I think someone has already mentioned they want to make a play based off this? So thank you!

Extract from 'The Boy on the Doorstep', an autobiography by Patton Sanders...


So that is my story, although my fathers did help fill in some gaps I missed from being so young. The story didn't end there either of course as I still had years and years of discovering myself and my identity beyond just 'the kid on the doorstep that was later adopted'. But I'm glad Logan and Virgil were there to help all the way through it and support whatever decision I decided to make!

But you're probably wondering where the other family members all are now, aren't you? Well, Logan wanted me to write down that he became a good and confident father with practice (that I agree with), and he even did something he never thought he'd be able to do of reducing his hours in the office and working from home a lot more often as I grew up. Memories I have of him after my adoption often include fun days out where he'd try to educate me – like taking me to a plant nursery to teach me about photosynthesis in third grade or driving me to free-to-attend college lectures as a teenager so I could explore what my possible major could be or if I ever wanted to go to college at all when the time came. Honestly, he was pushy, but he was caring too.

Virgil was always a little more relaxed with parenting me, although he made sure I wasn't uncontrollable but when he disciplined me, he made sure it was done in a calm way. The only time I remember him being angry at me was when I started bottling up my emotions over being bullied because of my adoption in middle school - and he wasn't even shouting at me then. Having a therapist father was the best for my teenage years.

Should I give some context of my life beforehand? I probably should. As I said before I didn't remember much of it, and my birth mother went through therapy throughout most of my childhood. She slowly helped me explore that side of myself though – or mainly the day I was dropped off at the doorstep.

The day started early, with my mom getting me awake at 8am when she usually let me sleep as long as possible so I'd avoid my birth father's wrath.

My mom held me in her arms and stroked my hair, letting me fully wake in my own time as I clutched Ka-Ka. I've had Ka-Ka since I was born and, in many ways, the small cat symbolised my old life. He was ripped and half his fluff was gone but toddler me still adored the little thing. When I became a high schooler I took the responsible decision to store Ka-Ka on a shelf so he wouldn't be destroyed and that's where he's stayed all these years.

But my mom put me into the car before I could fully wake up, putting on some Disney tunes. The song I remember playing was 'Circle of Life', and to this day I cannot watch The Lion King without reimagining that car journey.

The last words my mom said to me were simple. She pointed at a stranger's house, later found to be Virgil and Logan's, and said: "Patton. I want you to knock-knock on that door and tell the person inside I left you here."

She then had to watch me toddle my way up this large big drive, no cars in the driveway, to knock onto this big, white door that was triple the size of me. Anything could have happened when I was left in that situation but luckily a kind-looking man in a purple hoodie answered the door. He immediately reassured me and spoke to me in such a calm way.

And that was when I started trusting Virgil.

Logan took a lot longer to trust. The first ounce of trust I gave to him was when he went out of his way to give me F'oggie. F'oggie wasn't like Ka-Ka – he was bigger and cuddlier, all new and amazing. It wasn't the same as Ka-Ka but it was a good replacement. After that the new father began warming up to me, and me to him.

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