Foster Parent Reference

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I had to introduce Janus and Remus as Logan's friends/coworkers XD. Also Janus uses they/them pronouns in this story so if I make a mistake please tell me!

In a few days Logan had to get references to become a foster carer. Virgil already got the required references quite easily from Emile and his husband Remy that he had known since he was in his early twenties – for Logan it was more difficult. He could always ask his brother for a reference, but he also knew Roman could hit a high C in excitement if he got the news he could be an uncle too, even if it wasn't permanent. And he didn't want his eardrums to ring any more than they already did.

So that left Logan to ask his co-workers as he didn't particularly speak to anyone else in his life. While some people would spout homophobic remarks if they knew Logan would be a child's role model there was one person he knew he could ask. Their name was Janus Plato.

"Morning Lo, did the marketing department respond about the advertisement meeting?" Janus said as they sat at their desk surrounded by accounting papers and spreadsheets all over the nearby computer screen. Just like Logan Janus was a workaholic, they also specialised in finance even though Logan explored other departments too.

"I'll get right to it... I have a favour to ask you first." Logan was about to reveal the paperwork for foster care references Janus' booming shout erupted from their lips.

"REMUS! THE PHOTOCOPIER IS NOT FOR... I give up with that dude." Janus' voice quieted as soon as they remembered who they were shouting at – the new graduate Remus Duke who was a mess to work with. He got all the work done quickly but then spent hours messing around if he wasn't constantly supplied with tasks. "Anyway, you were saying?"

After calming his laugh Logan put the referencing paperwork on the desk. "I just need you to write a reference for me." Logan said while Janus was distracted again by a new email. The reason they wore yellow a lot was because they had the attention span of a goldfish.

"Wait you're leaving me?" They pouted and moaned once they answered the email all before actually looking at the piece of paper in front of them. Once they read it their eyes widened more. "You and Virgil are being parents?"

"Guardians." Logan corrected quickly, holding his hands together behind his back as he waited for the paper to be signed and then he can figure out who else to ask. Janus raised an eyebrow quizzically and scoffed before starting to write. "It isn't a permanent placement. I can't do that kind of non-work commitment."

Janus rolled their eyes and scowled playfully again, signing everything quickly before moving onto yet another spreadsheet they had to create. "You'll be a great Dad someday Lo, don't disregard it for your pri-REMUS!"

Just like a dog Remus came bounding over with a smile on his face and proudly holding a piece of paper in front of him. Janus looked displeased with a raised eyebrow and stern eye contact. "Hey Janus, hey Logan." He giggled, keeping the paper close to his chest. Janus looked displeased when they said hello but Logan tried to sound more cheery – he remembered what it was like being a fresh newbie after the hecticness of college and he wanted to be as welcoming as possible. "You want a picture of my pretty face?" The piece of paper was revealed to be a scan of Remus' acne face with a hectic smile after he face-flopped on the photocopier. Even though the picture seemed undesirable Janus took the picture and stashed it beside the recycling bin. Remus looked overjoyed even though the artwork was almost definitely going to be rubbish by the end of his shift.

"Can you go check with the marketing department about the 4:20pm meeting?" Janus commanded their lackey as they handed back the foster reference, but Remus looked more interested in what Logan was handing around.

"Can I sign that thing?" He said excitedly, almost jumping. "What is it?"

"It's a foster parent reference form." Logan always tried speaking softly with Remus. He was a bit chaotic at times, but Logan understood that chaos. The college alumni was becoming an adult and his childhood was becoming a distant memory – when Logan was entering that part of his life he was nervous to the core. When he was in that spot himself the businessman wished he had an older and kind mentor to put up with his weird habits and help him into adult life. Maybe Remus was like his kid in a workplace relationship even though there was only a ten-year age difference...

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