Move In Day

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All the preparations for Virgil and Logan to be parents is done - and Patton comes to their house for the first time.

This day was one of the rare days Logan had no work and Virgil had no external meetings to attend. He even had no therapy appointments in fact – because it was a very special day today. The day Patton was moving into the married couple's house.

As Virgil was trying to wake himself up with a cup of coffee, leaning on the counter and facing the window to the garden, he felt a warmth wrap around him and a kiss on the cheek. "You're up early sweetheart." The warmth whispered as Virgil felt fingers brush through his freshly washed hair. He leant into the soft touches and smiled, receiving yet another kiss on the cheek. It wasn't that early – it was 11am – but Logan was still sleepy and very cuddly as he was working late the night previous. "How did you sleep?"

"Quite well actually, I'm quite excited for you to meet Patton." Virgil faced Logan to smile but Logan looked less pleased – or just tired. He only cuddled more and buried his face in Virgil's neck. The warmth was delightful to have, even better than the coffee Virgil was still holding. "Wow – you must be tired babe." Virgil held his coffee with one hand so he could raise his lover's hand from his waist and give it a kiss. "You'll be dressed by the time Patton's here right?"

Logan tiredly revealed his face and mumbled an agreement under his breath, nudging Virgil's face to the side to give him a peck of a kiss. "Luff you."

"Love you too." Logan smiled so cutely when he heard those words just like he smiled during the wedding day. He gave another soft kiss and smiled at his husband for a long moment. "Don't worry about Patton, OK? We'll do great." After another sleepy and slightly sloppy kiss Logan finally let go of his husband and marched upstairs to shower and get changed. Virgil made his way to the home he'd pick Patton up from in the late afternoon.


The place Patton was staying looked like a normal house – but it was a group home for very young kids. Eventually the social worker let Virgil into the house where three toddlers were playing together in the living room – another was being held and fed baby carrots. "Patton has not shut up about being with you." The social worker giggled as she showed Virgil around the small house. They went up some stairs and entered a small room with two beds in. And on one of the beds was a smiling Patton.

"Mr Ver-gill! Hi-Hi!" The toddler jumped off his bed and ran over, his arms reaching up and his smile contagiously cute. Virgil couldn't help but pick him up and as soon as he was in Virgil's hands Patton pointed back to his bed. On the bed was a small blue suitcase packed to the brim with Patton's clothes and personal belongings. "I missed you!"

"Are you excited to come to my house bud?" Virgil asked the toddler who was fascinated looking around the room with his thumb in his mouth as if he'd never seen the room before (even though the social worker assured this place had been his home for a month). If Patton liked this room he'd probably love his room in Virgil's house where there were dozens toys and everything was meticulously cleaned as Logan was a neat freak.

The toddler nodded shyly and held onto Virgil's t-shirt as he held his suitcase. The social workers waved him goodbye as he was leaving and he waved back, shouting 'bye-bye' and asking if his big-person-friends can come for playdates. "Oh course they can Patton." Virgil squished Patton's cheek as he buckled him into the blue fluffy car seat also given by the social workers. Patton still looked so excited and asked many questions about where Virgil lived.

"Do you have a wife Mr Ver-gill?" Patton eventually chirped after telling Virgil how he'd love to be in a house with millions of pets so he could be raised by wolves like the boy in the Jungle Book.

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