Visit to the Office

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Summary: Patton manages to break into Logan's car while he drives to work, meaning the toddler spends all day with the strict business man. To get some amount of work done Patton is passed on for babysitting to the business assistant Remus who has a little more free time.

This is literally just a cute fluffy chapter but it's also a very important chapter to give clues in...

"I'll be home by 3pm, only a short day today." Logan spoke slowly and kissed his husband's forehead as he grabbed his keys. It had become a routine now for Logan to be more sleep deprived than usual as he woke Patton up in the morning and often took him to bed too – Virgil made breakfast for everyone and was there for plenty of kisses and holding. But by now, almost four months into Patton's placement with the husbands, things were more peaceful and they had a routine.

Patton seemed happier, although he was a happy child to begin with. He was still having play-dates with Emile and the police were still 'looking' for his mother but since Virgil and Logan had been foster parents for a while they were allowed to have a little more free time with the toddler between shifts so they could organise days out. The previous day Patton got to see some kind of Paw Patrol performance in the city and he was still excited about that – he couldn't stop talking about it in fact.

But Logan could finally get a break from the constant parenthood once he escaped the house. He didn't focus on the environment around him and mainly went on autopilot as he got in his car and began to drive. As soon as he left his little cul-de-sac he hit traffic and sighed to himself. "Where we going 'ogan?"

It was a good thing Logan wasn't going forward as both his mind and foot hit the breaks. He looked behind him and saw a little Patton smiling back at him, holding Ka-Ka and F'oggie, with his seatbelt tied correctly surprisingly. It's a good thing Logan kept the car seat in his car.

"How did you get here?" Patton was not a quiet kid, there must have been magic surrounding this little boy for him to climb inside and buckle himself up so quickly and without Logan noticing. But the toddler looked so proud of himself as he was swinging his legs against the spare seat.

"I climbed in all by myself and did my seatbelt and I'm ready to explore!"

Logan was rendered to silence. He could turn around and go all the way home to a definitely worried Virgil and drop Patton off again but there wasn't enough time before he was due in work for that (he had overslept) and Patton looked so excited to travel somewhere. He'd probably be too hyperactive for Virgil to handle inside four walls while he worked at home. Therefore, the best solution would have to be call Virgil to explain everything and take Patton to work for an impromptu take-your-child-to-work-day.

His boss didn't complain when a happy, bouncing toddler came through the office doors waving at everyone in near vicinity. "I want a suit 'ogan! Please, please, please!" The little boy was begging his accompaniment to dress just like all the people around him in smart business gear, he obviously had no idea how expensive suits were and that they probably didn't have many options for smaller than average two year olds.

There were still a couple stares as the usually quiet Logan walked to his desk with a child that would refuse to shut up. Patton sat happily on Logan's desk and looked at all the stray pencils, playing with them and dropping them on the floor followed by an 'oops', Logan was trying to concentrate on his emails for the day and wondering how to take a toddler to confidential meetings. He wasn't completely at peace though as he heard an 'aww' from his best friend.

"Logan! Is this the elusive Patton you tell me about?" Janus appeared and squished Patton's cheek. The little boy giggled at the touch and looked up at the new person with slight interest. Even though Janus was very close to Logan they were barred from seeing the new member of their best friend's family. Janus knelt slightly to Patton's height to talk to him. "Hi buddy! Does Logan take care of you or is he just boring? He's not the most fun at work."

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