Family Bonds

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Summary: After the argument Logan and Virgil decide to write a letter to Patton's Mom together, but the recipient of that letter is someone they wouldn't quite expect.

I've officially finished writing all of this book! Chapter updates will still be every Saturday but I now know the ending *excited giggle*.

It was a good thing that Patton's Mom put her 'safe address' on her letter to Logan and Virgil, although it was obvious that she didn't want Patton in her life anymore. "It's obvious she cares for Pat, it is a shame." Virgil spoke quietly, picking up the crumpled letter and talking to himself as if Logan was there. For once it was nice that Logan wasn't there with him, as after dinner the tough businessman and the adorable toddler went to give Patton a bath time and get him into pyjamas.

Logan's laugh across the house this time wasn't loud, but it seemed hypnotising for Virgil to hear. It felt just like the first time he heard Logan's quiet laugh after a therapy appointment. Both times made Virgil's heart beat fast and he fell in love all over again with the silly nerd he laid eyes on so many years ago.

And he'd be raising Patton with that man.

"'ogan showed me blue bubbles!" Patton came bounding down the stairs, holding Logan's hand and immediately jumping on Virgil once he saw him. He was of course talking about the new blue bubble bath powder the pair bought him while food shopping yesterday but he didn't need to know that Logan was incapable of doing magic tricks.

Patton's hair was still soaking and he was still a little wet from the bath. He was dressed in the softest onesie he had that made him irresistible not to cuddle. And Patton had gotten a lot easier to cuddle over the months, maybe because he was more used to it, but he was a cuddly child that was such a cutie.

"How about we play a little before bedtime kiddo?" Logan whispered and kissed Virgil's cheek before speaking to Patton. Patton giggled and wriggled out of Virgil's arms, straight to his toys. "Can you start writing the letter sweetheart? You're better at emotions." Logan whispered again, knowing Virgil had a way with words no-one else did.

As Virgil thought through the letter (typing it so that he could easily erase anything he said wrong), he watched his husband play with the child he now finally considered his son. Logan was giggling and joking and looked more gleeful than Virgil had ever seen him – he really unleashed his inner child when taking care of Patton as he had to keep it in for all other situations. That's why Virgil wanted to be a father with Logan (as well as adoring him deeply). He could see how healthy and free Logan became when looking into Patton's eyes.

"I'm going to have to take a photo, Lo." Virgil said without much thought, standing to get his phone that was charging in the kitchen. Logan stood too almost immediately, a small smile on his face that made Virgil stop what he was doing.

The businessman went to his work bag and shuffled through it. "I went to the market today." That usually meant Logan went shopping during, before, or after his shift - which wasn't that normal to do. He had already told Virgil he would though as he needed to buy Patton some birthday presents. "You're getting your present soon Pat..." Patton pouted hearing that. "But I also bought a special something for the best husband in the world."

Gifts were not an abnormal part of Virgil and Logan's relationship, but it was usually reserved for birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas unless Virgil got really bored during the workday pre-Patton and headed to the local mall. Logan getting a random gift for Virgil wasn't something done often before, but it wasn't something either felt was an issue.

Logan and Virgil were millimetres from each other, so Logan only had to whisper to be heard and cherished. "It's a good thing I bought it now as I knew you wanted it to create memories together." Virgil already had a sneaking suspicion of what the present was when Logan said that but he was still surprised when Logan showed a pastel purple polaroid camera. Virgil had been begging for months to have one.

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