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Summary: During his work day Logan decides to attend a local market with his best friend, Janus. While going around the stall he finds something that could truly welcome Patton to his home.

Writer's block has also freed me from its clutches with this book now so I probably will finish this book (still posting weekly though). I don't know how long this book will be but I've almost finished chapter 14 now.

Also I couldn't help adding another Loceit friendship they make such a good pair XD

"So... How are you finding fatherhood my friend?" Janus collapsed on their friend's desk with a cheeky wink, facing a tired looking but focused Logan. They were definitely enjoying the experience of seeing their friend in this state, and they hadn't yet had the chance to quiz their friend on the joys of parenthood as the stern-faced businessman had been on paternity leave for a couple weeks.

Logan sighed for a second and rubbed his forehead. The last time he was tired like this was the day after his wedding day. "It's not fatherhood – just a foster placement. He's sweet though." Janus was a chuckling mess, probably because they were far away from Remus, but they were equally excited to see their best friend enter the stereotypical next step of adulthood. "He woke me up earlier than my clock – wanted some toast or something."

"Sounds like a cutie to me." Janus mumbled, bringing out a lunch from their bag which made Logan tiredly raise an eyebrow. In all the chaos of the previous morning Logan forgot to make himself lunch and forgot to stop at the train station (most of the time he drove to work, this time he didn't want to be a danger to society and took public transport) to get himself some food.

For a second Logan sighed and softly facepalmed his desk, staring at his emails before logging off. "I have to clock out and get food. Not heading home until later."

"I'm coming with, I need to hide from Remus." Janus smiled and packed up their things, also standing. The new employee had been hidden for the entire of the day thus far – Logan only saw him once when he asked for more doodle paper. "There's a pop-up market in the food district. I heard the reviews are great."

It was nice for Logan to wonder around the market with his best friend at his side, not having to worry about making sure an extremely clumsy toddler didn't die. Janus found a Hungarian food stall and had some langos and Logan found a Japanese stall for some sushi – and the pair sat opposite each other of a table chatting about the random things they always chatted about. "I know kids are clumsy as fuck." Janus spoke while they stuffed their face with cheesy bread. "Any funny stories about Pat yet?"

"He hit himself with pans the first morning I had him." Logan mumbled, still feeling the tiredness. He was so tired he had given up with using chopsticks (a skill he mastered in childhood due to his upbringing) and instead resorted to a wooden fork that made the fish taste odd. "He went back to bed straight away luckily – after a crying fest – but he didn't seem too majorly hurt."

"Pff – only the best foster parents cause their toddlers to get injured on the first day."

The smile cleared off Logan's face. Janus was right in his sarcastic sentence - it didn't seem well if two new foster parents gave Patton an injury on the first day. It could even be misconstrued, and Virgil and Logan could hold serious criminal charges – especially Virgil. He could destroy Virgil's life because he was so tired and stupid in the morning... And now he was panicking just like Virgil would do. "I'm sure it will be fine Lo." Janus mumbled, giving their friend a soft smile and quickly moving the conversation onto another topic. "Want to get anything while you're here?" Janus chirped, looking around at all the stalls around them. This market only appeared once of twice during the summer and sold lots of different things from food and sweet treats to clothes and stationary.

(COMPLETE) Plus One - A Sanders Sides Analogical FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora